David Boring

That was also my first thought

Well no, not rape.

Well no, not rape.

It's not really Polanski I'm disillusioned with - I was born years after the rape, and watched his films long after he had made his best ones. What's disillusioning is seeing the list of artists, many of whom I like a lot, who inexplicably defend him.

It's not really Polanski I'm disillusioned with - I was born years after the rape, and watched his films long after he had made his best ones. What's disillusioning is seeing the list of artists, many of whom I like a lot, who inexplicably defend him.

I think he's just got a really simplistic view of morality that's been there all along, but becomes really repulsive when he tries to apply it to the real world. You can read DKR as being kinda Death Wish-fascistic, same with the vengeance-as-justice stuff in his Sin City books. Vigilantes=good, criminals=bad,

I think he's just got a really simplistic view of morality that's been there all along, but becomes really repulsive when he tries to apply it to the real world. You can read DKR as being kinda Death Wish-fascistic, same with the vengeance-as-justice stuff in his Sin City books. Vigilantes=good, criminals=bad,

@avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus Yeah man, too much public skepticism was exactly the problem with Nazi Germany.

@avclub-e53fc2424af041d07a7eef5cd8773505:disqus Yeah man, too much public skepticism was exactly the problem with Nazi Germany.

Yeah I was gonna say, what exactly counts as "truther?"

Yeah I was gonna say, what exactly counts as "truther?"

Agreed. If you have to wring your hands and wonder about whether something is offensive, the answer is usually "who cares?"

Agreed. If you have to wring your hands and wonder about whether something is offensive, the answer is usually "who cares?"

Goldenballs Are Forever

Goldenballs Are Forever

@avclub-e8e1ea96f3b1bf8e7400065325e188c8:disqus "Whatever the virtues of Three Kings, do you really think that it captures what the experience of war was like for the people that were there?"

@avclub-e8e1ea96f3b1bf8e7400065325e188c8:disqus "Whatever the virtues of Three Kings, do you really think that it captures what the experience of war was like for the people that were there?"

"Exploitation is one thing, gratuitous violence for no reason is another."

"Exploitation is one thing, gratuitous violence for no reason is another."

Careful, a lotta people around here (including the staff) seem to think that was the "good" part of Grindhouse.