David Boring

The high quality of Verhoeven's movies always becomes a mystery to me when I listen to his interviews or DVD commentaries.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus I read Jurassic Park at around eleven or twelve years old, and that bit made me feel very weird.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus I read Jurassic Park at around eleven or twelve years old, and that bit made me feel very weird.

Nah, I think the reason some people find it repulsive is that the message seems to be "Don't make trouble, join the army, do what people tell you, and even a complete idiot will lead a charmed successful life with lots of free money. And if you rock the boat, get politically active, and experiment with sex drugs and

Nah, I think the reason some people find it repulsive is that the message seems to be "Don't make trouble, join the army, do what people tell you, and even a complete idiot will lead a charmed successful life with lots of free money. And if you rock the boat, get politically active, and experiment with sex drugs and

Wait what? Limpwristed token support is "great things?" And what does shit things done for good reasons even mean? Like, killing a baby because that baby is Hitler? I think I prefer shit things for good reasons.

Wait what? Limpwristed token support is "great things?" And what does shit things done for good reasons even mean? Like, killing a baby because that baby is Hitler? I think I prefer shit things for good reasons.

Been awhile since I've seen it, but isn't most of the violence the main character commits "good" violence? We cheer for him when he kills the gangsters because he's protecting himself and others. Then he brutally kills the gangsters on his lawn because they're threatening his family. And when he kills his brother and

Been awhile since I've seen it, but isn't most of the violence the main character commits "good" violence? We cheer for him when he kills the gangsters because he's protecting himself and others. Then he brutally kills the gangsters on his lawn because they're threatening his family. And when he kills his brother and

In general I agree, but uh, when the FBI declares you a national threat, I think you've earned your "persecution complex."

In general I agree, but uh, when the FBI declares you a national threat, I think you've earned your "persecution complex."

The only thing I find a little incongruous is the episode where the cashier at the grocery store gives Louie shit for wanting to try sex with a black woman under the guise of some kind of naive romance. But Louie's never been particularly concerned with continuity anyway.

The only thing I find a little incongruous is the episode where the cashier at the grocery store gives Louie shit for wanting to try sex with a black woman under the guise of some kind of naive romance. But Louie's never been particularly concerned with continuity anyway.

Besides, isn't there bathroom stall sex in that movie?

Besides, isn't there bathroom stall sex in that movie?

Lack of argument? What argument is there in the first place? You're just being an abrasive asshole, and people are calling you on it.

Lack of argument? What argument is there in the first place? You're just being an abrasive asshole, and people are calling you on it.

The writers read the comments around here, so it's probably not entirely fruitless to show there's a demand. So yeah, let's do 100 Bullets real soon.

The writers read the comments around here, so it's probably not entirely fruitless to show there's a demand. So yeah, let's do 100 Bullets real soon.

You can read Gus and Max as lovers, but it's not written in stone.