
ONE THOUSAND LIKES. Especially this: "Meanwhile, her friends might preach occasionally, but they'll be using her constantly, thus undercutting any moral authority they might be able to temporarily muster. I would love for Bonnie to be forced to confront the amoral chaos of her "my friends, right or wrong" stance…"

Last thoughts on ep:1) OMG, Stefan Salvatore, I freaking love you. You were in all your best forms tonight. Dark!Stefan is the best Stefan…sweet, sensitive, creepy, diabolical…in a pleasant way, lol…I love it all. Carry on.  Oh, I forgot to mention. Not-taking-anymore-of-Damon’s-shit-Stefan. Bravo. KEEP SHAMING YOUR

How do you reply to a reply? The button's not there…oh well…replying to your post below.

Depends on who you are asking, most of this was said to Stefan directly, while crying incessantly (sorry, I saved the 1st six eps to watch in a row, and OH how quickly did that get annoying, lol). He's her boyfriend, so he's the one most privy to her angst:

The funny thing is, I think the MF gang sees vampires, werewolves, as monsters and lesser beings, and one’s only concern for them is if they get to know and like em…then they may try to bring them in—if they’ve been properly vetted—or at least allow them to hang around the periphery of the Worthy of Life Club of which

Song choices -  Yeah, playing The Cure was cute. And Nice
touch w/ Rebekah’s I want to be human speech with the Sixteen Candles end theme
music in the bkgrnd—just went perfectly. I can see Jake Ryan and Samantha Baker
leaning into each over birthday cake right now (I can’t believe I just
remembered their names, weird—I

Yeah, yeah, late and all. I agree w/ all of this. Especially prefering darker Stefan to Ripper Stefan. It's more layered, and gives you more to work with..-Ripper Stefan is just out of control…so not much to analyze. Anyway, I was trying to reply to your post further below, and don't know how so…

I'm not late, I'm early for next time.

oops, sorry for the long post and weird spacing— newbie here

oops, sorry for the long post and weird spacing— newbie here

One of my biggest frustrations is when people misread
Caroline or feel the need to disparage her or HER MOTIVATIONS, to subtly ways
make the situation okay. BTW. Even if Caroline was a slutty temptress, it
wouldn’t be ok, but she was preyed on victimized from beginning to end.

One of my biggest frustrations is when people misread
Caroline or feel the need to disparage her or HER MOTIVATIONS, to subtly ways
make the situation okay. BTW. Even if Caroline was a slutty temptress, it
wouldn’t be ok, but she was preyed on victimized from beginning to end.