You can assimilate the teachings of the Bible and also have a dick with duct tape and putty on it!?
You can assimilate the teachings of the Bible and also have a dick with duct tape and putty on it!?
What kind of low-rung dipshit was assigned this feature? —-Okay…Zack Handlen. Make sure to include this on your resume and/or bring it up on your job interview when you're up for a writing spot for Bob Villa when he comes back on public access again, yah pitiful fuck.
Man, you've been spending too much time on internet message boards.
And ol' tired Thom Yorke and detestation of popular music. Tell him to make sure he learned the complete Morse code before he starts interpreting it to that rock music. with the fuckin' vocal stylings of dying mule. If this is the fuckin' future of rock 'n roll, then give me fuckin' Bob Seger.
I love how this Jay-Z shitting on "Wonderwall" unintentionally turned into a homage to it. Ohh these silly rappers and how they sway whichever way the windcock sways.
'"Slide Away" should have been their "Wonderwall."'
Man, that Charles Dickens is still a relevant motherfucker isn't he? in this Twitter & social media age and all…. Who gives a shit. If the motherfucking is good, then you go back and fuck the shit out of that said mother
You suck assholes by the campfire
The songs, man…it's all about the songs, man!!! Fuck your Twenties! It was probably all big piece of wank anyway— your Twenties.
In what fuckin' world is "Wonderwall" a terrible song? The one fuckin' acousty/half-acousty song in my lifetime that cuts through the bullshit, and just fuckin' hits you immediately; and even through the following years, still maintains and even deepens that feeling. It's that rare kind of "campfire"-y song that…
Along with Lobsters/Daffy Dick, Tarkovsky's former AD, ZMF; GhaleonQ is one of the few sensible ones on AVclub. Brick was fuckin' great! The Brothers Bloom, less so, but still a great ass movie. I have to say, along with Andre Techine and Mel Gibson (when he actually does another one) and Chen Kaige, Rian Johnson…
[bold-faced]Everybody should care about Craig J. Clark and his thread headings[/bold-faced]
I TOLD YOU, TU!! THAT RED-HEADED BITCH WAS GONNA BE YOUR DOWNFALL!! Believe me, I'm not saying this because I'm overyly biased, but you were the most original one of the bunch. Who gives a fuck if you're not the best seamstress, you've got the designs, baye-bee! Oh fuck, now I don't feel like watching this show…
Thank the fuck Zac Posen was back to call Nina Garcia out on her hoity-toity shit, and to call Heidi Klum out on her stupid cliche-as-fuck criticisms. Good god, no wonder the show had gone down the toilet these past few seasons without someone like Posen checkin' these two unknowing bitches.
Man, I already knew Lars was bad before this, but after watching this shit, I have a little more sympathy for him because the lead singer was such a fuckin' whiny pussy.
Hey, The Ben Show is not bad.
Ooo, Robert Bresson— he likes to kill off little girls!!….'KAY, okay! s-ting-tfu.
Oh no!! it's: *I*, *I*, *I* don't think it's worth it *i*-ther.
Neither do we. Put it in a blog, you fuckin' bore.