Man, this show really do suck at the tail-end episodes of each season. And what the fuck is bringing back a fuckin' loser on the LAST FUCKIN' EPISODE? Couldn't they bring one of those losers back at least before that? cause all of the fuckin' rooting investment to one of the non-kicked out contestants has been…
I have been saying this for fuckin' years now, stupid Jeff Probst has been wielding too much influence on the game.
What kind of broke, unemployed assfuck stays up to 4:15 am to watch The Great McGinty? Fuck, you motherfuckers are the assiest motherfuckers in the world, seriously
Fuck, I have an internet crush on you. Now— I don't know how I feel. (Next time, keep that shit to yourself, dude.) …And I'm a fuckin' gay guy!! imagine if I was heterosexual, yeah?
^ That's why they call our generation the fuckin' Pussy generation. right there
I don't. Where was it?
Well, I'm also startin' to get that this Hatesong feature itself is just basically a drawn-out version of a negative comment on Youtube— but, y'know, interview-Banzai style!
Dude, you took one too many Economics 101 sessions.
Implying it's at least >50% good, you dumb motherfucker.
Bitch, go read Margaret Atwood or some pussy shit like that, and leave me and my well thought-out literary criticism the fuck alone.
Yeah, put any such song on an alternate 20-min mix and I fuckin' promise you you will reduce your ass fat two-fold.
Dear, look!! another take down of Atlas Shrugged on the AV club!! Ho, you fellows— you don't stop do you? Ohh you…
You all do realize that this Jimmy Fallon is just a fuckin' obnoxious frat-boy masquerading as a "funny" late night talk show host, right?
So this is the kind of shit you're preoccupied with when you don't give a fuck about God and/or haven't been having sexual intercourse in a while.
Man, nothing beats Ace of Base or Real McCoy on the fuckin' Stair Climber. Feels I'm Jack and the Beanstalk or somebody, like I'm walking up into the clouds and shit.
Funny, his reasons given for hating that song are the same reasons I hate him and his ubiquity on avclub.com.
Ha! Another shitty, fuckin' unfunny inside joke!!
What? You're black?? Me too!! Gimme five?! …you fuckin' Ralph Ellison motherfucker