Looking For Some Proustian Pus

Yeah, with her money.

"I feel like her naysayers miss the point about her. Her appeal is that she tries to be perfect and almost always pulls it off. Her confidence and competence is superhuman"

Hey look!: A modern liberal lynching everybody!!! stupid liberals. 

Listen Caipirinha, let's not overthink this. Maybe she just has a personality of a fuckin' dried up sponge and is all about the fuckin' fame.

Believe me, it goes deeper than that. my god, I can't believe you don't read Essence!!

Shit, I don't mind the narcissistic black chick, but hey! another opportunity to shit on the Republicans and their wives!! …You motherfuckers' shit are gettin' tiring.

Project Runway is actually not bad this year.

"lingoistic" …I did make that shit up. I was thinking "of and around the fuckin' lingo" or "an over-emphasis on the lingo" or you know some similiar shit like "a stupid bent on the fuckin' lingo" ….Anyway, just chock it up to a cognitive bias on my part and yours(?)

Jennifer Hudson can sing, yo.

Yes, her personage/personality, like her "music," is mechanically overproduced. She, like her white friends the Paltrows, is out-of-touch as it gets— annoying, self-obsessed, and stupidly "weird"! But, ya know, haters gonna hate…

He's Jewish right? Yeah, most Jews have that natural facial expression. they get a pass

"No positivity at all?"

No wonder EVERY fuckin' former member of Destiny's Child at one point or another hated her fuckin' guts. (Don't worry, deep inside, they still can't stand the cunt— no, not because of her talent, but her manipulating the public perception that she has talent and is therefore a "made" woman). Seriously fuck this chick.

Well, I'm a black gay guy and I thinks she's fuckin' awful. Thank God for Jennifer Hudson to at least negate this boring and vapid and un-self-aware individual.

Wow, like a Kardashians TV show but turned into a documentary. Just as vapid, but even less self-aware!! pitiful, really ….And oh, I thought the popularity of the self-confessional cams went on their way like those Myspace blogs. Fuck, that showed me!

Sorry to break it to ya, Flowers Of Shanghai is underwhelming; A City Of Sadness, on the other hand, is pretty good, verging on great.

Is the tall black dude and the tall white dude just really the same dude, but at different sides of the fuckin' melanin spectrum?

Out of all the amazing shit that's not available, you pick fuckin' St. Elsewhere!?! That was the kind of shit I fell asleep to when I was fake-sicking my ass off during my grade school years. Get the fuck outta here

It is indeed a romantic comedy— it's just a fuckin' good one.

…Yeah, and with the black chick with the bald head, just put some cooking grease on that motherfucker.