F. Marius Krummholz

Put it in "H"!

It's a Styrian accent, isn't it?  The only Austrian I've met with such an accent was from Graz…

It's a Styrian accent, isn't it?  The only Austrian I've met with such an accent was from Graz…



Pshaw!  How will he ever get a Pulitzer?  I'd like to see what sort of madcap adventures he'd have attempting to acquire that!

Pshaw!  How will he ever get a Pulitzer?  I'd like to see what sort of madcap adventures he'd have attempting to acquire that!

That's… that's pretty far.

That's… that's pretty far.

No, further.  English As She Is Spoke account!

No, further.  English As She Is Spoke account!

It's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch, but
it comes with a slice of cantaloupe at the end. You don't get
completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal!

It's not quite breakfast, it's not quite lunch, but
it comes with a slice of cantaloupe at the end. You don't get
completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal!

"Biddy", surely?

"Biddy", surely?

Hired goons?

Hired goons?

That's perverse!

That's perverse!

I can't wait to hear his version of Brubeck's Time Out!