
Transference is definitely underappreciated IMO.

Hard to rank Spoon albums when they're all sofa king good.

You're getting Montana mixed up with your mom.

How dumb is it that The Knick isn't even on this two part list? I mean…what?

My list:
1. The Americans
2. Show Me a Hero
3. Fargo
4. The Knick
5. Mr. Robot
6. Mad Men
7. Better Call Saul
8. Orphan Black
9. Justified
10. Veep
11. Archer

Sorry…but Bob's Burgers has FALLEN WAY DOWN in quality. Just compare any season 1-4 episodes versus any of the current season. I don't know how the staff at AV Club aren't noticing that. It's almost like they have completely different writers who no sense of what made the family so funny to begin with. It's sad.

Your mom is overrated.

Well…OK…if that's the case, I'll allow it. I guess. I do want to check out Autumnlands.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why isn't Saga on this list? That is the best serial comic in YEARS. Someone explain this to me please.

I mentioned this in the Jason Segal interview page, but I find it disappointing that the reviewer doesn't even point out that the DFW family opposed the making of this film and have said it was something he would never want.

How come it never gets mentioned that DFW's family opposed the making of this film and have said that it's something he would never want?

Can someone tell me why the AV Club is so bad now? Wha' 'appened?

Man, I just re-read my comment and if I wasn't so concerned about appearing conceited, I would totally upvote it. So informative.

The AV Club reviewer who saw it at Cannes only gave it a B and said there was too much exposition in the dialogue. I decided to point this out because when I saw this review, I said to myself, "Didn't they already review this?" And then "Did they just upgrade the review?" So - right now we're looking at a grade of

A plea to stop ranking music in lists. We can talk about good music released in 2014 without putting it on a fucking grid, can't we?

Guys, Patton Oswalt isn't very funny.

This list makes me realize how easy the internet has made it for me to avoid shitty TV. Thank you Netflix, Instant Video, Hulu, etc.

Sooo…you're saying people are more blinded by their love of MJ's music than Bill Cosby's comedy?

So…wasn't Maclean already disillusioned long before Dylan came on the scene if the day the music died was Feb. 3, 1959?