
Speaking of Nina Meyers Mark 2
I loved the callback to the very first season finale, when Jack throws Nina out of her car up against a parking column and almost chokes her until Mason and Tony talk him off. Almost a shot-for-shot repeat in this ep with Cole and Dana.

Am I the only one who kept thinking they called it a "bread test?" I have no idea why they would, but every time someone said it, I heard bread.

How is this only a C+? They finally give us a great story reason for Shaw, and despite all the plot twists I've called, this one really surprised me, but it barely warrants a mention? B+ AT LEAST.

Is Pawnee F***ing Tonight.

On Friday Night Lights.

Loved the ep
But I'm worried. I love gamechangers, and this episode had some great twists, but I'm not sure how I feel about having Morgan know Chuck's secret. On the surface, it's very cool, and a rewarding moment for fans. But it's almost too convenient for Chuck to have two people who represent the two aspects

I hate to go against the hate, but my friends and I actually got these cupcakes, and they were hands down the best cupcakes any of us had ever had ever. Like, Magnolia cupcakes taste like dogshit covered in broken glass buttercream compared to these.

Did anyone else
Enjoy the message to fans from Fake Locke? When he looked almost right at the camera and said "you've come so far, it'd be a shame to turn back now," I heard "hope you didn't think this season would suck because last week was about Kate."

No mention of Colonel Tigh's enjoyment of mid 90's Dylan cover bands on BSG?

She switches the pills in the medicine cabinet.
I think there's a racial component to it.

I'll admit, I had to look up "quadroon."

Snooki's the tiny fat one, who is pretty frequently called fat and/or tiny by total strangers, who are then promptly attacked by another member of the house.

Checkov's Gun
An animated comedy makes a perfectly delivered Checkov's Gun joke and you're not totally onboard with adding it? Shut up and hem, you old fruit.

Jesus, Snookie is like the Helen of Troy of boardwalk fights.

Anyone else excited by this? The trailer may be inscrutable, but you could just show a series of Bukakke shots followed by the words "From the Director of the Dark Knight" and I'd pre-order tickets.

Amen. I saw the Wrens missing from that list and was all "What the fuck?" but the AV Club was all "No, Dirty Projectors came out two months ago and they pwn." But also, yeah- how is Treme not on this list?

My greatest fear
Is that Rita will "Pull a Harry" (that's what she said) and hang around to give Dexter an internal monologue foil. I hope the writers are smart enough to keep the dead people talkin' to a minimum, especially when one of those dead people is a shrill harpy.

Christine Twist
I kind of bought the twist that she happened to be Quinn's girlfriend, just because logically, there's an explanation for everything she did. She met Quinn at a crime scene, already knowing that her father had begun his cycle again. And when she started snooping, the explanation was that she wanted a

Am I the only one confused by what a big deal the show has been making out of no one believing Lundy and thinking the idea of the Trinity Killer is crazy? I mean, he was supposedly the top serial killer profiler in the FBI, and he FOUND MURDERS THAT WERE COMMITTED IN THE SAME LOCATION IN THE SAME WAY. How