
I cannot hear the song without thinking about how violently I hated the shit show of a movie, so even if it had been a good song (and it wasn't), I never would have liked it.

I don't deny that it makes sense to look to a younger host for the new target audience. I just think it's a terrible joke to say Jon probably doesn't know who Kanye is when 1) it's Kanye, 2) the show has talked about Kanye, and 3) it was part of Jon's job (or his staffers' jobs) to keep up with crap like this.

Yes, a JOKE. He may not have the same cultural touchstones, but it was part of his job to keep up with pop culture.

WTF did I just watch?

"Jon probably has no idea who Kanye is."

"…make room for coverage of aggregators and listicles." So he wants to turn the show into Buzzfeed TV? Ugh. I mean, I'm sure there's an audience for that, but I'm not in it. I'll give it a chance, but I remain doubtful.

This year really feels like SYTYCD lite, which is a shame. It's getting better, but it's still not there. In seasons past, "street" dancers have really stepped up and done well to difficult choreography; this year's watered down version walks all over that legacy.

Oh man, the quiz from "The One With the Embryos" never fails to make me laugh, especially the lightning round. "Big fat goalie!" "He's a… he's a… a… transponster!"

Adam did plenty of his own manipulation. He also screwed an investor's wife while the investor and Chet watched just to get some funding. He wasn't exactly an angel. He also convinced Rachel to burn down her life for him (and yes, she was complicit in that) and then turned and ran when Quinn told him that Rachel had

With all the attention to and staging of Anna's final speech, I really think that's what they are setting up.

Adam was stupid enough to believe Quinn when she said Rachel had been hospitalized for her issues and then he abandoned Rachel for it. He got what he deserved and I'm glad she burnt him to the ground. (Although I do hope he comes back because Freddie Stroma is great.) Sure, but hey are all assholes, but we are allowed

Jeremy didn't go to Rachel's mom out of concern; he did it out of revenge. Her mother is horrible and is going to use this against her. I'm guessing she'll try to get her committed.

I stopped watching TLC when they didn't immediately cancel this show and it turns out I don't miss it. I watched a few shows but mostly out of habit and haven't found a reason tostart again.

I've started to worry about my soul because I love Quinn so much.

I have never seen a single episode of The Bachelor or The Bachelorette (although I did watch Joe Millionaire, so make of that what you will) and I absolutely love unREAL. The characters are all beautiful disasters (in the most recent episode, even someone you wouldn't suspect had an angle) who are fun to watch, and it

“If we’d tried to eke out a season eight we would have started to run out of ideas,” he said.

I am SHOCKED that this is terrible. Shocked, I say!

And of course, lots of people are yelling about how judgmental people are and how no one is perfect and blah blah blah. I'm not perfect but I've damn sure never molested a kid or helped to cover it up, and frankly, I don't want to live in a world in which we DON'T judge these people.

Keira Knightley and Katie McGrath need to play sisters in something. They look very similar, especially when they talk. It's something about their teeth or the way they move their mouths.

The last thing I read said they didn't know but her father said she'd had some medical problems. I hope that's it.