horatio leafblower

I was highly pissed off by that. They even mentioned that they get suited up for these runs. And young Zach is dressed like he's heading out for a slice at Papa Ginos. I know it's lame to talk about realism on a zombie show, but seriously, all these idiots should be decked out top to bottom in hard-to-bite-through

Having spent quite a bit of time in Maine over the decades, outside of Portland, diversity consists of "those of french canadian descent"

I imagine that, after lights out, everyone but Glen and Maggie snuggles up to a same-sex partner for 90 minute 69's.

"Wrong! The kids are playing hopscotch, not leapfrog. Die!!!! <blam!>"

You ever notice how hard it is to open the wax paper bags in some boxes of cereal. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!

Count me among those who had zero awareness of Pekar or 'Splendor before the film. Related to the film primarily through memories of my many years working in various odd/crappy jobs in hospitals, including Medical Records. So many lovable oddballs. And not so lovable ones who would get carted off by the cops in the

My first *new* car was a Neon. Stick-shift, fun as hell to drive, assembled as well as a Lego Star Destroyer by a kid who didn't give a fuck.
Shit used to just fall off that car. I traded it in for floor mats 4 years later.

no they don't. They're like the chevy citation of the mid-90's. After about 6 years, nearly all trace of them disappeared, except for a handful in southern California owned by people who lost their licenses in '96.

I highly doubt the writers intended this to come off as non-consensual. All the loaded looks and antagonism has been pointing to a hookup (and the dead obvious "previously on…" segments for thje last three weeks.
However, I'm actively angry at the writers for playing that scene the way they did. (A) They just did

I was peeved that the show chose to go to that well twice in one episode. With two characters who seemed to hold a modicum of virtue in that regard, no less.

No kidding on the bad music. I suspect music sucked back then. It all seemed like novelty nonsense. That Eddie Cantor guy personifies pop culture suckitude of the time. Then Ms. Maitland shows up and blows my theory all to shit.

I agree - a Solid B, which is surprising because it is ridiculously faithful to the slasher template. It manages to be tense and surprising. And Ms. Heard holds the center amazingly well.

That is some serious shelf time. I saw it years ago on my laptop (don't remember how it got there), and thought it was kind of great.

Worse than poisoning the boy was being an idiot about it.  It's not like he's 7.  I hope Nuck's savvy enough to steer clear of this mental midget.

Any movie, no matter how universally beloved, can be despised by individuals.  There's no movie that someone somewhere doesn't hate.

One the craziest things I noticed about India was the concrete telephone poles.  I just thought they was all crazy, but I guess it's that they ran out of they trees.

They should get a guy in a wheel chair.  Then they'd have a proper Burger King Kids Club!

Does anyone remember (etc)?

And, in answer to your unwritten question: Yes, you are right

Fair dinkum - considering that most of his stuff is relatively straight guitar-rock (dipped in a sauce made from his essential weirdness).