horatio leafblower

the trick is two parts:
1. Rig the deck so that the 7 of diamonds stands out (including having more than one 7 of diamonds in a row, and setting it among all black cards).

If there's an Aquaman in this, is he going to be treading water for weeks waiting for Lex Luthor to go for a swim, so he can get 'im?

The working title was "tell no one, ya fuckin fuck"

I like Uptown Girl for the video.  It is Exhibit A of what is now known as The Mid-80's Plague, ie. incongruous breakdancing.

Funny you say that, cyborg.  This article led me to track down more Brass Eye.  I watched the same "Animals" episode and witnessed the baffling behavior you described.

It's a great little film, with a dumbass title.

I've done some voice over work and I know that slightly brain-dead state you reach when reciting copy.

I gagged when I read that.  This is how child labor was justified.  "Children are really really young adults".

I'm a huge Canad-o-phile, but I can't say enough about how ugly the houses are on the outside (in the areas outside Toronto)

Yeah, that was a weak post :)

When not depict him and put a floating box that says "not muhammed" with an arrow pointing at the guy/cartoon/claymation firgurine.

"an angel showed up and did some extremely convincing miracles (and even then…)"

you should crank rock n roll music when you're down.  Or go for a walk.  Works for me.

I don't think they're allowed to portray *anything*.  Like, you can't even draw a ducky.  That's why so much islamic decorative art is crazy geometric stuff.

"I would enjoy a documentary that more thoroughly explored the pagan rituals of pre-Islam, pre-Christianity, and even pre-Judaism. "

Or the unedited version:

"You race down a hill wearing nothing but a small animal pelt.  So see a rock formation that looks like an erect penis.  You stare; you smile.  You run towards it."

"Hobgoblins. Hobgoblins. What do you do with those hobgoblins? They're over here. They're over there. Those darn hobgoblins are everywhere."

like what?  seriously I need names.  I've looked into my crystal ball, and found an empty netflix queue in 18 months

He's a curious thing.  I don't find him at all likable as the action hero, and I'm sick of seeing him starring in action movies, running around all the damn time like he's got ants in his pants.