horatio leafblower

There's a 90's Boston band called "Anal Cunt", which later reformed into another band called "Full-blown AIDS"

When my kids were little, I thought of the catchiest, most irresistible songs out there.  And naturally they devoured them.
Crazy Train
Jump Around
Round and Round
London Calling
The Pretender

I used these as gateway jams, to open their minds to the idea of rock in general (jump around isn't rock, but it is a rockin

Even us lifelong Bostonians are getting off the redsox bandwagon,  because the red sox, and professional baseball in general, are fucking stupid and boring.  It took 100 years to figure that out, but whatever.

If it was downplayed, it would be like a movie featuring the absent father from ET, about whether he could keep the spark alive with the secretary he ran off with.  boo.

Nah - that ship (the SS Bond) sailed for Clive Owen.  Next in line will be some whippersnapper.  And considering that recently they've been willing to depart from type, I'm guessing the next guy will be even more removed from the archtype.  Like some autistic goth bond (ala dragon tattoo girl).  Heck, maybe even a

Taken on their own, the little slangy bits were not so terrible.  It was the repetition.  It was all like "boat drinks", then a few minutes later "boat drinks" then like 20 seconds later "boat drinks"

"I mean, I've enjoyed Tarnetino's movies, but for the past ten years he's just been making the same movie in different genres."

"I WILL kill HIM!"

Like Roth and a lot of other boston-area natives who don't have accents, we are familiar enough with it to do a goofy impression of it.  That's what it sounded like: a goofy impression.  (still better than completely wrong accents like Leo Dicaprio has used twice).

Did they play the soundgarden Outshined song in that?

Did they play the soundgarden Outshined song in that?

Very Bad Things is my sociopath litmus test.  Anyone who thinks that's the best movie ever should be on a watch list.

I know right?  After "Tinker Tailor…"?  That's just nuts.

Zellweger's face is more post- than pre-punched.

I'm kinda with you on that.  I don't like having "Badass" shoved down me gob.  And that was Ritchie's thing.

"Go!" is on me all-time list of satisfying films.  A perfect combo of tension and release.  And a killer opening credits sequence.

I agree - that one was pretty ok.  But I cringed whenever they said either "boat drinks" or "buckwheats".  That is some forced-ass shit.

I'm all about flawed characters who exercise morally questionable judgement.  My concern was about whether the filmmaker was going to just "let it lie", assume we'd be ok with it, and still give a rat's ass whether Ethan and Julie could still achieve a happy romantic pairing.

Much appreciated thanks.  So I guess all my rants pertain to the movie I inferred from the above writeup rather than, you know, the actual film.  Apologies to Mr. LInklater, who has never let me down ever, and deserved better.