
I'm a big fan of Jim Butcher's Dresden Files books. Butcher's books are around 300-400 pages each, so he tells a good story, without it being too much. Plus, Harry Dresden is an interesting and funny protagonist so the books are pretty enjoyable and read pretty fast. He's planning on about 25-ish books and the

Jim Butcher was about once a year with the Dresden Files, though the last two have been about a year and a half apart. Still, he's pretty regular with his books—thankfully, as there's about ten more to go.

There's a bar I go to regularly that used to be a speakasy. It has an upstairs part and a downstairs part, which is rather useful for Kansas weather. It holds an awesome trivia night, comedy and poetry shows, and brings in some good music.

Tonight I had a pitcher of Tallgrass Brewery's Vanilla Bean Buflalo Sweat Stout. So smooth and so delicious.

@NaturalBlues:disqus Goddammit, and god damn alcohol for making me curious. I can't unsee that.

I loved it when he kicked the manners guy's ass.

I don't need no instructions to know how to rock!

@avclub-19b1e8d29a0f4d71a95a48a7123d0502:disqus Don't praise the machine.

@avclub-19b1e8d29a0f4d71a95a48a7123d0502:disqus Don't praise the machine.

Cookie Monster is at a 7.5 likes per comment.

@Patrick_Batman:disqus  I swore off the stuff when I was a freshman at a Halloween party, drunk, and gazing into the eyes of a guy dressed as Cheech. As soon as he started rubbing his nipples, I thought "you know, I'm not sure I want to go down this road" and I left.

Simpson! Homer Simpson! He's the greatest guy in history! From the town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut tree!

@avclub-09f700cd7fcae2e9f63ea6cdb7aa76b0:disqus  I had an electronic baby in high school and definitely got a number of "That girl already has a baby? What a slut!" looks.

I feel like I should read that, but living in Kansas is depressing enough.

You can find them on Dailymotion.

Yeah, I still love the show, but I was disappointed at the lack of Rockzo.

I love those Coke machines. I can get an Orange Coke without getting funny looks!

If you like that, I recommend Make Love!* *The Bruce Campbell Way. I loved both books so much.

I've been trying to watch all of the classic serials in order and I'm getting closer and closer to being done with Hartnell's run. Right now, I'd recommend checking out the next serial, "The Daleks." I liked it a fair bit and the Daleks themselves have certainly contributed to the popularity of Doctor Who. "The

Discarded pizza boxes are an inexpensive source of cheese.