
By the way, Zardoz is playing at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin on August 23. Just in case you're in the area.

It's this type of pedantic bickering that keeps me coming back to Onion AV Club again and again. No one engages in "no, it was this guy not that guy" discussions with me any more.

This looks slick, but it also looks like another version of Dollhouse. (Where is Enver Gjokaj now that Agent Carter is gone and why is he not a star?)

Once again I wish I could be in the room with you guys for this discussion; it would make laughing out loud at these comments a little less conspicuous.

They also went all out for the Supernatural parody. The attention to detail is a fun gift for fans.

I watch CBS The Morning because Charlie Rose will never allow the name Kardashian to appear on the show as long as he is anchor. And, no cooking segments. But I do miss John Miller's inside take on what's going on in our national security situations.

I'm disappointed in this board— I came here because I got an alert about badass Bellina the Chicken and there's barely any discussion about her. Come on AV Club, you can do better than this.

I go away for a week and then come back to this motley (and we really are motley) crew and just smile at the banter. So silly. So great. "We need to talk about Kevin" Just what I was thinking…

Never met anyone else that remembers Fallen. Bit of a cop-out (no pun intended) with the end of the that movie.

He did say "begger." I started a tweet to the writers to complain, but decided that it was too pedantic to complain on Twitter.

Please, not "Ichy." Ichabod is fine, and Mison can carry the name. Leave it alone.

As others have mentioned, Cozi channel is showing episodes of Bionic Woman and Six Million Man. I'm waiting for the episode where Evel Knievel helps Jaime escape the KGB and East Germany by jumping a river on Knievel's motorcycle. My brother and I would act that episode out over and over again on our bikes. Can't

Only three comments here?  What gives?  This was on tv tonight and, as always, I stopped for a few minutes and stayed for the end.  At least my dreams will be scored by Poledouris tonight.

I had to constantly defend my crush on Lee Majors; most of my friends adored wispy Shaun Cassidy and pretty-boy Leif Garrett. They made fun of me for loving that old man on Six Million Dollar Man.  But Lee Majors as Heath Barkley—mmm, mmm, good.  I've recently given up cable and watch a lot of antenna television which

I had to constantly defend my crush on Lee Majors; most of my friends adored wispy Shaun Cassidy and pretty-boy Leif Garrett. They made fun of me for loving that old man on Six Million Dollar Man.  But Lee Majors as Heath Barkley—mmm, mmm, good.  I've recently given up cable and watch a lot of antenna television which

I don't know how John Noble did it, but the look on his face as he sidled up to Peter after closing the bridge—it made me weep. What an actor.

"The actions of a few monstrous Germans"? I don't think you should dismiss the impact of the war in such a trivial manner. I was surprised and impressed that the writers did not treat the subject
lightly or have the Kennedy mystique magically erase Collete's
When my parents were newlyweds in the late 1950s,

Ah, the erudite Onion AV club boarder and his use of Bill "I've-got-an-apt-quote-for-that" Shakespeare's words. It's what keeps us coming back week after week.