
Man, this is a sad, sad review. I thought I was reading Pitchfork for a second. I forgot, for a mere moment that I came here to read an objective review of a fantastic record, not the pseudo-intellectual ramblings of some douchey millenial's history of music memories. Some records are actually pretty good outside of a

Calling it right now. Mike is going to be the reason Hector winds up in the wheelchair, and that's what will put him on Gus Fring's radar.

I totally buy that Wade was skimming, but I also think that they could beat the guy up enough to get him to say anything, and I wonder if Daryl told him to say that Boyd put him up to it to get Dewey pissed at Boyd (who he now knows is the guy with the real money?)

I felt pretty similarly. There were parts of the movie I enjoyed (like the college party he allows to happen at his brother's house) and I really like the way the rhythms of the conversations feel like the way people actually talk, and not like "movie dialogue." I've never particularly enjoyed "mumblecore" films, at

I felt pretty similarly. There were parts of the movie I enjoyed (like the college party he allows to happen at his brother's house) and I really like the way the rhythms of the conversations feel like the way people actually talk, and not like "movie dialogue." I've never particularly enjoyed "mumblecore" films, at

For Kyle Ryan, If I'm understanding what you mean correctly, you can denote the alternate tuning by labeling the strings by what they're tuned to.

Not to mention that since this show tends to have a new overarching villain every season, even if his character were to survive, he still wouldn't be a cast regular and would probably just pop up for a handful of episodes here or there (like how Jeremy Davies is this season).

When I was a kid, I loved the Transformers movie. I thought the fact that they had Optimus Prime die (and early in the movie nonetheless) was a pretty ballsy move and I remember feeling like the whole movie was so much more epic given the stakes. I mean, as an adult, sure, I'm not going to call it "good," but I had

Did I miss something everyone else caught? How did we determine that the guy's name is Quarles?

I thought everything about this episode was lazy. It felt like basically just a 22 minute Bruce Reynolds jerk-fest.

I also thought it clever that he essentially used Raylan as a way to get to Dickie, making him hold up his end of the bargain whether he realized it or not.

Every time one of Pete's disproportionately hot girlfriends appears on this show, I'm reminded of how differently the world works on television than in real life.

Well, at least they didn't kill off the best character on the show.

I thought this exact same thing.

Can we please all stop with the "innocent cook" business? Every week it seems like reviews and comments on this show allude to "poor Gale" and the idea that a guy who cooks meth for a living is "innocent." Am I the only one who feels no sympathy for Gale? I mean, the guy is no better or worse than anyone else on this

Why do people care so much about the letter grade attached to the review?