Worthless Peon

Your point about Kelly is the opposite of what you seem to be intending. Fox didn't lose viewers because of objective bad/untrue/low quality reporting, they lost viewers because the viewers didn't like the political leanings of a host.

But we're still talking about it decades later…That Geraldo sure knows how to sell a story!

What a shocking position for this pop culture and entertainment site to hold.

"I'm so bored with all these ladies cumming"

The space age was several decades ago. Why are we paying these Canadians for inferior penetration?

So now they know all the places I've been putting it?

Well you need something to store the electricity generated by the solar panel, as presumably you would like to turn the light on when it isn't sunny out.

If I find a penny in this comment section, I'm taking you down.

Whiteness is all they've got for feeling better than the other folks.

I'm still aware I've wasted my life.

Wait, a bidet is just another name for a kitchen faucet? Man, I've been using mine terribly, terribly wrong.

These guys make spending my day posting on the A V Club seem like a good life choice in comparison.

It's amazing how many confederate flags you see in some Union states. Driving through Kansas, literally the 'Free State', I've seen more than a handful.

We abandoned the newswire and sought refuge in GJI? Dark times make strange bedfellows at this late hour.

The least plausible part of this story is when Ice T runs thirty six miles.

Pro tip: do not Google 'blood goatse'.

The sequel is FDR hunting down vampire Hitler with his polio-induced superpowers. Turns out the wheelchair was his version of Clark Kent's glasses.

In some states and counties, prohibition lasted decades longer. Maybe, since they don't say the state, it was one of those loser states.

*rushed in* am I too late for the loser count?

10 year old me loved season one Bashir because I felt like I could relate to him.