Warren Beatty

The more vaginas the better, I always say.

Rod Serling
Oh, what a character. I met him at a party at Ida Lupino's house when I first moved to LA. Quite a storyteller, and he could drink you under the table. In fact, I think he did just that to Bob Mitchum.

Rod Serling
Oh, what a character. I met him at a party at Ida Lupino's house when I first moved to LA. Quite a storyteller, and he could drink you under the table. In fact, I think he did just that to Bob Mitchum.

Jane Fonda
Oh … she's a great friend.

Jane Fonda
Oh … she's a great friend.

Hey Alison
Love your writing. Can I interest you in a development deal at Paramount?

Anyone else?
Anyone else remember when this script was a Nicole Kidman vehicle? That'h=s Hollywood for you!

Nah, but I sure did fuck her when I tricked her into quitting her job and becoming a consultant at Paramount Pictures. Guess we're all human, eh Pauline?

Her album of Tom Waitt's covers was the painful thing I've heard since Pauline Kael's review of Mickey One.

Can I be in it? I'm trying to get out of the house.

"a bimbo, a shrew, and a princess-in-peril.."

Henry was my slave name.

Mormons have multiple wives, right?
Sounds good to me. I wonder if I still have Isabella Adjani's number in my rolodex. The one that got away …

Didn't need to. That's Polanski's bag.

Bristol Palin
Already done her.

Phhh … distributors.
Distributors can't even sell a HILARIOUS desert adventure with me and Dustin Hoffman! You've got to pound the pavement!

The fuck?

Oh yeah
This is definitely a 'me-type game changer'

Oh yeah
This is definitely a 'me-type game changer'

Oh yeah
This is definitely a 'me-type game changer'