
Aw! I love you guys back!

What is that you SAYYYY?

Um. Heh.
I will watch the SHIT out of that werewolf show. Yes I will.

I don't know how widely known it is, but Kit Whitfield's gritty-as-hell reimagining of werewolves (Bareback in the UK, Benighted in the US) stuck with me like few other books have. So fully imagined, with an attention to detail that's nothing short of brilliant.

B) I'm with you. And Half-Blood Prince was actually my least favorite of the series, though I still enjoyed it.

Hey hey hey. Sherman Alexie is a good idea and would have fit nicely on this list (in place of whom, I'm not sure, since I haven't read all the books listed). But there's no need to argue him at the expense of Gaiman and Link, whom I can only assume you're dissing because you're a genre snob.

Songs where the instruments come in one at a time
The purest example I can think of is the Cure's "Close to Me," where it starts out with minimal drum and by the end there's like 8 kinds of saxophone.

What is that you SAYYYY?

Isn't "Funkytown" about wanting to get the hell out of Minneapolis?

"Free reign"
It's "Free rein," no G. The metaphor is about horses, not royalty. Even good writers are always doing this.

Our father who art in heaven…
you've made a jackass outta me for years!

"I just wanted to thank you…"
a. "…for what you did back there."
b. "…for saving my life."

What Is the What is fantastic. I even assigned it to my freshman comp classes, and most of them loved it. When 18-year-olds who don't read for pleasure can get sucked into a 500-page book about the plight of refugees, you know it's quality.

Sit on a potato pan, Otis.

In our household, we call Boobahs "penis hamsters."

The Bobbi Bernstein thing was one of the stupider aspects of Sports Night. I think Dan was supposed to be constantly drunk and a hound dog when it happened (hence being able to go to Spain and score chicks without remembering), and Bobbi was supposed to have been unrecognizably fat and desperate, but come ON.

Ugh, the dating plan is cringeworthy, the worst part of an otherwise wonderful show.

Anyone from Champaign-Urbana?
The Parkland College song — "jingle" is too insubstantial a word for such a full-on choral arrangement — travels with me day by day.

Somehow I missed that Pizza Pit commercial, but how about
Zimbrick! Fish Hatchery Road!

I don't remember Cowboy Steve, but BOY do I remember Eric the Bike Man. Anyone for Denny Hecker?