
Just going to say it and be the least popular person in the AV Club…I hated that book. I felt like I was watching the movie Crash. It seemed totally self indulgent and to this day I have no idea how that type of writing could benefit other than the privileged (often white) people that fawn over it, in much the same

Legitimacy is not an end all be all for but the value and emotion of the his music somewhat depends on the listener being able to understand his struggle. When I heard that he didn't have it, and maybe co-opted it, it made a difference much more so than when I found out Rick Ross was a CO. Ice Cube is a legend that

He's still from South Central, just never lived that life. He was a music guy, primarily, and like Dre adopted the persona because it was the best medium to express himself. And the most profitable. I was always a cube fan but felt betrayed when I learned he wasn't "legit", as they say. Call me old school but I like

He seems like a nice guy with a good attitude but he's never made me laugh and he can't keep up with the comedians on his show.

Born and bread south shore, MA long time av clubber right here. Glad to see we finally made the message boards.

I was 10 when Cabin Boy came out and I remember renting it and watching it several times with my friends in the neighborhood. In College I turned people on to it, and it became one of those movies that we quoted for years to come. A few years back, on a rainy day, I made my wife watch it and she loved it. Funny this

I wish it was a live WTF and then someone else headlining. Maybe WTF the guy headlining.

My first Gibbs experience was "The Label's Tryin to Kill Me"—a massive collection of all Gibbs mixtape verses up to around 2010 or so. It's a phenomenal introduction to Gibbs pre "Cold Day In Hell" mixtape. Ever since discovering it I've been holding other rappers to Freddie Gibbs' ability.

Sorry I didn't realize i was posing a question. I agree that it's more likely for athletes to receive money than regular students.

I agree that student athletes should be compensated somewhat for their contributions. The principles of amateurism are a laughable front for those greedy NCAA motherfuckers raking it in.

I saw Extras before the Office, loved both. Also loved Life's Too Short, but I know that makes me insensitive or something.

His best work is B+/A- to me. I've gone through times where I listened to the Black Album or Reasonable Doubt on repeat for a few days or weeks, but I've done that with so many rap albums. His highs just aren't nearly as high as the greats.

Well it's certainly not prevalent among those types living in Beacon Hill/South End just like the coffee shop patrons in the West Village don't sound like Joey Buttafuoco.

One thing I took from The House I Live was that it seemed to view drugs in a vacuum. There are reasons why crack is so heavily penalized relative to cocaine and much of it came from local citizens and politicians ringing their hands about a strange drug pervading the streets and fueling a new kind of millionaire

I couldn't get through the whole Michael/George Michael dorm room thing. My wife and I sat there for 20 something minutes with baffled looks wondering when that bit would end. No reward there for me.

I'm lumping Freddie Gibbs into Chicago because Gary is right outside of it. I have a man crush on him…been listening non stop for way too long.

I don't know..home movies was really good but her jokes on WWDTM are almost inexcusable. Each one induces a heavier collective groan from the audience that hears it.

@avclub-35f476bee2f5015ba0269e3b346f2d13:disqus I don't know why you're being so dramatic. My honest critique of why a show I listen to regularly is mediocre seems very appropriate here. Settle down.

I suppose you could come to that conclusion…but I don't agree with it. Obviously Maron has value in the podcasting forum and his ability to get really funny interesting people to open up makes for very entertaining conversations for which I am very grateful to him for. My observation is that he really isn't that funny

I agree. The comics that have found success through podcasting generally weren't very talented comics so they had to make a living out of interviewing talented comics. It's very apparent when a really funny guest is riffing jokes and guys like Maron and Hardwick can't keep up. The guests have a patronizing tone to the