
RU1NED!! SAVED!1! GG. gg.

The interview implies Frog Queen was a SDRE work but I've always thought it was solo work. Which is it? Don't tell me I've paid my regards pouring in wine.

I'm currently reading Three Moments of an Explosion or whatever his latest short story collection is called. Once again there are some incredible ideas on display but so far I've not been wowed by what he's done with them. Like the idea of alternate suits which sometimes show up in decks of cards for skilled players

I think around here its well known they are supposed to be awesome. However the disappointing lack of streamability of either of them means that though I know they are supposed to be good, I cannot confirm.

ParaNorman has a pretty great story to it.

The movies drew in a new crowd of kids and this new round of movies will do the same. Its not hard to imagine otherwise uninitiated visitors to the theme parks giving the stories a try either.

Blockbuster was defeated by Netflix.

I watched some people play Witness for a while and the visual elements of tracking power cords and moving to new places to get a better angle to try to see what's going on were pretty appealing. Then I got a Vive and decided that if the gameplay I saw was typical of it, the Vive is the platform it belongs on.

I like the initial scene when she found out Will was missing. She'd just chewed out the older brother for working late because on night she works late he's responsible for Will. Now it seems like something might have happened to Will and she's trying to balance frantically looking for him but not looking too frantic

Disappointed I had to come this far down the comments to find this. The combination of calm cool collected and yet also obviously psychotic and dangerous makes him the iconic devil for me, even years after last seeing the film.

It cannot be defeated and it can only be ignored for so long. So deal with it daily, but privately, out of sight of those around you. And feed it worms so it doesn't feed on you instead.

It really does breed this kind of resentment. You can cash out once per day at any point and collect 10 coins for any pokemon you've left in a gym so it turns into a kind of Incan Gold game where you get a guy into a gym and you have to decide: "Do I hurry up and cash out now? Or do I press my luck and try to grab a

There was a lot of hate in there which made it hard to like at times but he still got some laughs. I remember a bit about how Leno was such a sell out and he should just go ahead and blow his own brains out, which I'll give you is fairly dark. But then he adds in that even that wouldn't work as he is so committed to

If you're talking about GnR then 100% in agreement (though that doesn't mean its not a cash grab). If you're talking about TSR then I disagree that the band appeared to be having fun. Other than one part when Squire and Reni were basically soloing at each other a lot of it felt perfunctory. They came out, went to

It really did seem like they were all having a good time on stage. Like it was all a cynical money grab and they all knew it was and everyone in the audience knew it and didn't care and they were just like let's get paid a ton to have some fun. I never would have thought to comment on it but I saw The Stone Roses

Not a fifth square, a third dimension.

And everything is all lined up and moving into place but then you start looking ahead to how the sequel will begin and get ahead of yourself and that perfectly aligned ending slips just enough out of whack to screw everything else up so instead of working on perfection you are now fighting just to stay afloat.

I know, right? He's all "Fire! Bad!". Did he ever stop to think how many livers Prometheus gave up to get us that fire? Ungrateful monster is what he is. Hmmph.

The original has Jan Michael Vincent, but no Airwolf.

Like we're stuck in some kind of flat circle or something?