
He didn't capitalize it at least.

Surprised Interpol didn't make the list. Seems like they fit in well as middle ground between Killers and the Faint.

I want to be a part of it, invisible even to the night. Then I'll read poetry to the stones. Maybe one day I could be one of them: wise and silent, waiting for someone to love me, waiting for someone to kiss me. I'm fifteen years old and I feel it's already too late to live. Don't you?

And the look on the face of the green guy is priceless.

Perhaps there will be a tragedy and she will rise to the occasion to fill a void?

The new one on Netflix has a good moment in it too which I somewhat regret having my 6 year old watch. She somewhat regrets it too.

Still better than The Ataris' "Stroke-inspired" Drag Queen video.

That's actually how the practical effects for Scanners were done.

Right there with you on Living Daylights. License to Kill, not so much… That's the one with the tractor trailer that pops a wheelie right? Yeah. Hmm…

That Mater's pretty funny.

OK. Just take those old records off the shelf.

The BFG actually doesn't refer to a gun at all in this tale.

He said "I hunt for haddocks' eyes among the heather bright,And work them into waistcoat-buttons in the silent night.And these I do not sell for gold or coin of silvery shine,But for a copper halfpenny, and that will purchase nine.

Didn't that movie have Chuck Norris versus an unstoppable killing machine (other than Chuck Norris)?

Tell me more. Tell me more.

How does it compare to Cosmopolis? I'm getting a similar visually striking bat-shit insanity feel from this. And while I'm glad I saw Cosmopolis, I'm also glad I saw it on Netflix.

I saw NMH on the reunion tour at Merriweather and the twats behind me chatted throughout the whole show. At one point during Aeroplane one of them paused and said "Hey! I know this song!". Just saying you can do a lot worse than a concert full of sing along fans.

Yeah. Second Coming was pretty good, but it was its own thing. When you have that long between releases you have to be willing to accept some kind of change since the people creating the music aren't static. I like pretty much everything the Stone Roses did but its hard to pick better between the two since they are so