Gus Fring concurs.
Swallow - "Sugar Your Mind"
Excellent interview. I like how enthusiastic Josh is about guitar playing technique. I'm a little surprised that he didn't notice Billy Gibbons' tapping considering how clean Billy plays. Maybe it was all part of that 'metal isn't cool' vibe he must've picked up when he was learning. To me, the tonality of a guitar…
They would like to connect with people and they need money. Isn't there some other way to go about this?
The folks at Bed Bath and Beyond said I could get bath salts here.
Wellington shot first!
They should get Gary Oldman to play Lee Harvey Oswald.
The only reason you're here is you thought it was a D'arcy solo album. You haven't seen her in a while.
She was a peaceful, easy Marling.
The experiment REQUIRES that you continue.
Heche hasn't had much preparation for this role.
Goozy mothers gooze GIF.
Best mutton chops ever. ('72 TOTP performance of Starman)
She ain't a beauty but hey she's alright.
Velvet Underground's 'Squeeze' album.
The other misconception about the "Motherhood means mental freeze" line is that people think Kim believes this statement just because it's in the lyrics. In interviews, she's stated that the previous line "saw it on the wall" meant it's others who believe this, not her.
I guess you know you guess I'm just a radical
Not a sabbatical - yes to make it critical
The only part your body should be parting to
Panther power on the hour from the rebel to you
Yeezus Don't Want Me For A Sunbeam
If the Israelis had some of that Al-Abbas chicken, they'd take down those settlements immediately.