Les Neals Shawnauxes

The AV Club
We all chipped in for a bag of cement

night porters???

I am proud of the sheer number of Electric Light Orchestra-related comments here. Well done! 2nd Place - Chess comments.

I'm not sick but I'm not well.

James Dean?

… announcing a new album, Crack-Up, doe out June 16 …
It's all salty, Timmy!

I haven't fired up my Sinclair ZX81 in quite a while.

Eastern Premises.

Mirror in the bathroom
For all my crimes
Of self defense
Cures you wiser
Make no sense
Drift gently into
Mental illness

In his relativistic time-dilated frame of reference, the three years observed by us were just one year to him.

Ralph Nader's "Unsafe at Any Steed".

"Content Evaluation Engineer at The A.V. Club".

Lars Ulrich?

See also: Dubya.

The "go/no-go" calculation shows the standard range equation but that assumes that gravitational acceleration is constant which, for the great height above the earth that the vehicle will be traveling, is an erroneous assumption. They should have shown a more accurate, detailed derivation.

I was hoping to see Standen deliver.

Liam Gallagher's Freewheelin' Birds.

contains the words "refudiate" and "misunderestimate".

Somehow, it has to do with Switzerland.

Society expects you to touch my penis.