edmund hillary clinton

I'm glad Echo Kellum has a gig - hopefully this will lead to a much better gig in a year's time.

Sporclers unite!!

Does it have to be a Newswire?  If not, may I direct your attention to the Tom Hiddleston Fan Up article…

My first thought as well.  Why court that kind of bad mojo.

Did you read Taft 2012?  I thought it was quite good - it had a nice tone to it, if that makes sense.  Kind of sweet, and hopeful. 


He really is so charming.  "Loki" is not that interesting to me, but Hiddleston is great.

Thanks for that second comment, Persia.  It's really frustrating as a female to see these "oh, god fangirls comments here when we have commenters here talking about masturbating to rape scenes and saying there should be a law that such and such actress should be naked in every film. 

I am also a fan of this.  I definitely think the world/internet/this site could stand a little more love and a little less snark.  I had to give up on Newswire because it was just bringing me down.  He seems like a lovely guy and this was a lot of fun to read.

I've seen this movie/play so many times and I never really caught on to that aspect of it (i.e. how unusual it would be for the hero to straight up believe women over other men).  Now I have to watch it again :)

You try not to take offense at the staff comments, but her whole "Sue me, i just like stuff!" was a little childish.  A.  You are a professional film critic - we expect some actual criticism from you, as opposed to the commenters or our friends.  B.  You can like things and still be discerning.  C.  There aren't a

I laughed at several of Bieber's jokes.  To the point where I'm not convinced the whole thing wasn't scripted*

I guess I just outed myself as not knowing who James Corden is.

I enjoyed Inception, but I don't remember any line from it at all - it might be the least quotable movie I've ever seen.

I think I am with you in hating the premise, which I believe both Tasha and Genevieve called "interesting".  It's one thing to say "holy crap, this film actually turned out to be pretty good considering how stupid the premise is" but to act like there is any insight to be gleaned from "men like porn, women like

I was thinking Tyler Labine.

We'll all remember this as the moment the AVClub officially gave up.

This just looks terrible - really every single thing about it screams STAY AWAY to me. 

I used to watch Coach all the time as a kid and have a lot of good will towards CTN for that reason.  Plus Mr. Incredible!!

Have you seen the much-discussed Neko Case review?