Activist Judger

Okay, that's not fair. He has Jerry answer his phone a certain way and lie to a case worker. If that plot were done in season 9, he'd have Jerry actually setup a latex manufacturing plant in his apartment and hire a bunch of undocumented workers to hold up the facade, then have the case worker come visit, only to find

I know we chewed over "The Understudy" ages ago, back before Sims was a known terrorist, but this didn't seem to come up:

SIIIIIMMMMS, don't you understand that everything on this show works and doesn't need the least bit of internal logic to just click on every level imaginable. Why are you even bothering to write about it, every review should just be "nailed it, again!" followed by funny quotes.

Of all season 9, "The Strongbox" felt the most like good ol' Seinfeld to me. I have a feeling not many people see this as a standout episode, but it was funny and relaxed in a way the show hadn't been for a long time.

The Twix thing is another story that hinges on you really finding it amusing when George is screaming and yelling about stuff that nobody around him understands. It started with "say Vandalay," and that was hilarious. "I was in the pool" — also gold. "WORLDS ARE COLLIDING!" Okay. "HE'S BEBOPPIN AND SCATTIN AND I'M

Seriously, though. The show was never *about* continuity and insane attention to detail, but those were signature traits until the start of season 8. It's like if the producers of Cheers decided, for the last few seasons, "enough with the bar."

Yep. I mean, the alternative would be that more than one guy doesn't share your lousy sense of humor, but what are the odds of that?

These comments overdo Sim's love of continuity, if you ask me. If anything, he's being charitable when he could do more to point out how the show's writing is just incredibly dumb and lazy in the post-David years; but since most of the commenters here experienced their brief flash of a sex life in high school, while

Seinfeld was shot on film, so they can (and did) go back to the film to get an HD picture, as well as grab a tiny bit of visual information from the sides that was previous not in the frame.

Yeah, and I love the subtle pause for nuanced laughter from the clever audience.

Agreed. But somebody should tell her you don't have to tuck the Nicorette right under your top lip.

He's absolutely wasted here. There's your mention.

Embarrassing if people didn't think the show was hee-larious in these last two years. Golly if they didn't find an excuse to have George run around yelling absurd nonsense every single episode by the end.

Or…just a tad more likely…earlier season George was more intelligent than later-season George. As with every character/plot/extra over the nine seasons.

You're right, they should try and defend him with the plenty of other beautiful records and songs. Always demand more out of people who are clearly more interesting and intelligent than you, idiotking.

I was in middle school when "The Millennium" aired. Watched it with my father, who turned to me during the credits and said "This show isn't very good anymore, is it?" At school the next day, our Seinfeld-obsessed English teacher was asked, as a usual delaying tactic by some some student, what he thought of the

Mostly agreed. It's admirable that the creative team behind a struggling show in it's first season wanted to confront this stuff, but it's also a good example of why the show pretty much abandoned this approach after season one. Like they figured out they could do more with some well-placed one-liners than if they

I assumed that all the good Simpsons writers went to Seinfeld, but none of their stuff worked on a live-action, laugh-track laced sitcom. This brought shame on their families, so they went into hiding and tweaked things a bit, re-emerging years later with Arrest Development, a thorough success.

I think it's the over-use of Peterman that's drawing D-Sim's ire here.

GOOD GOD, What is wrong with you people?  I can't do this any more. I can't. The show is just too stupid now. Jerry rattles off terrorist threats to Yankee stadium from his home phone, Elaine is banished to Tunisia, Kramer becomes the guardian of yet more HILARIOUS foreigners. It's like Seinfeld died and somebody