
Me too!!! (how do you the Italics thing on a Mac?)

Your reply reminds me so much of the tall mans reply to Nelson about his small automobile!!!

Ya, I was surprised by that too…

Extensive experience, over 1.5 million posts, billions of "likes", I even refuse to eat a cereal not made by the POST company. I have a life-long association with the Post Office, and they have even designated a code to me, based on my geographical location.

Shit….I thought the show was "Fear the Talking Heads"…..zombies….who is scared by zombies?!!!

Your post is Horrible!!!!

Disqus is administered by Bender Rodriquez, in the future, I think we can take some emotional solace in that.

You mean: "…my brother and I" (just kidding)

"It called"? Cavegirl?

No, I'm doing a medical internship (2nd year) and it can be rather….challenging.

They aren't running! They are flying! And dealing with bludgers as well!!!!

On the other hand he gets paid really well just to make things up, it isn't like he has to deal with vomit, feces gaping wounds and way too much saliva.

You leave Hotpie off your evil little list! He makes the best subversive Wolf-cakes in the realm!

"The winds of Thor are blowing low…."

You just watch it Mister, he'll send his script girl to kick you in the shins!

Ya, the last few episodes are just really bad….I hope they don't screw up Leftovers.

Wai8t!!! Come back…..say he sux too…weeee neeeed youuu….

Hey now, I went to school through the first grade in Troye, and it was exactly like Beaubatons!!!

Where I grew up in France (or at least until I was 6) POC were called Senegalise or Algerian, no matter where they were actually from.

Totally agree, I just adored that third movie!!!