
Whatever it takes, I'm doing it…what about the virgins blood thing, does that work?

Your reply is unexpectedly catty Lady Stark.

well, they were gonna dig ditches in that frozen ground! t's not like they didn't think things through!

Sucks to your ass-mar!!

Who is in charge of the fertilizing?

That Sauraman guy was just a big jerk! I mean really!!!


think the Silmarillion talks about that, something about their magical connection to Middle-Earth is severed or something like that. Valinor is for them now, not Middle-earth.

I don't know…Coop? The girls seem to have weathered it best though….god, I don't wanna get old!!!

No, I got that, just bein' like, hilarious, ya know? Catfish?

Hmmmmm only a self-absorbed semi-sophisticate would say: "bon mots".

Oh come on you two!! I thought you could have a nude wrestling match to settle this burning question, and post the video.

Awww, I thought Greta Gerwig saved it, though only just barely.

Is NB trying to be the Woody Allen of our generation (am I of that generation? Born in 1988?) I always find Greta Gerwig more adorable than irritating, though sometimes, just barely. I will definitely see this with my Girlfriend who has a crush on Gerwig, (though she will not admit it)

In my day actresses wore onions on their belts…

Oh man, you were saved a ton of headaches!

God, thank you for this review! My girlfriend and I always argue over this movie, she is such a sentimental wuss that any love story just reels her in. I have always felt this movie is just too cute by half.

I kind of thought they were going to have her run back and save Velcro at the end. I kind of liked them as a couple. You are right about the trope, my girlfriend commented on that as well, but I didn't think it was really blatant in this case because it's more about velcro being a big dummy and stopping to visit his

They should have thrown in John Favreau's character from "Made"

I liked it, not as much as season 1 however. I don't think the writing is as complete and balanced, and the performances not as great (though R-McAdams is pretty dam'n good) there are some plot implausibility issues that drive me nuts, but I definitely think it is worth watching.