
I thought that was pretty clunky phrasing myself, but I'm sure she did not mean it as "Oh, rape is no big deal" just that the trope is getting overused, and was kind of conventional for a show like this. I'm not sure I agree with the premise that it is "overused", I don't mind it if it is done right—-if it isn't

It wasn't like this under W!!!

They definitely attend "Cider Days" in old Springfield…I bet there is a goldmine of GILF there!

I agree, I've never seen her in anything before (I think), but I think she is excellent in this!

Good point, maybe that whore-house thing isn't as stupid as I thought it was at first….

One big difference I see b/n TD 1 and 2 is that in #1 there was much more tension. I actually felt that bad things could happen to people I cared about. Which is weird because the flash forwards should have at least taken some of that tension away. I found last nights episode much more boring than it should have been,

My GF and I watched Clouds of Sils Maria, a movie we have been meaning to see for months. She loved it, I liked it. I also drank my way out of the flu on Sat…Hah!!! I'm gonna live foreeeeever!!!

Or "well hung" ? (Sorry Conan)…

I have been meaning to watch this movie for a long time, and I thought it was excellent. I have always loved Julliette Binoche, but Kristen Stewart only about half the time…but her I thought she was great. I really liked how they handled the relationship here, it felt plausible to me, (though a little exagerrated…but

"When all is said and done, we have the Sten-gun and they have none." Primitive Tribes in the middle East….are you talkin' about Philly?

I know he addressed him as Mr. Shicklgruber in at least one speech, I'm surprised he didn't stick with that line, it is a ridiculous name.

Googly says Baretta was NYC

Springfield elementary had class after class of ugly, ugly children…

And the most babiest-looking PM ever!

Oh wait, now it's alright…all praise the Onion!!

I'm glad I'm not they only one who noticed how revolting those children were! And what was it with all the white? And why was the Boy wearing a jacket from Logan's run?

I thought her rejection of that temptation also circled back nicely to season one where there was a lot of discussion about how she was "special" and wanted to be different…

Where is Stannis when you need him (oh ya…dead…or maybe/dead)

I gave this an A- just for the John Clare resolution alone. I'm a money-shot girl myself and I wish more shows (like GOT maybe?) would have bow-ties that are as deliciously decorated and tied as his Putney family massacre….right on!!! And to think JC used to be my least fav character…

Hey Charlize Theron's "Dark Places" ad finally finished loading…!!!! However now I forgot what I was going to say…oh yeah…it was that I am not going to see that stupid F'ing movie (or read the so fucking stale Onion) just because of their shitty advertisments…