
I agree more Asha would have been refreshing…

I haven't read all of the comments yet, so apologize if this has already been mentioned, but how is Arya going to kill Trent?…poison most likely, but will she have to infiltrate the brothel and pose as a worker there? They seemed to be setting something up when he insisted he needed a "Fresh" one for tomorrow. If she

Gay…you are soooooo gay….

Hah!! You are sooooo gay!!!!

Isn't every memoir and "documentary" mostly bullshit? (or at least a lot of bullshit—-to one degree or another) I was only 9 when he died and barely remember it. But all that means is you guys are OLD!!!! SO old!!!! Way older than me….But still…I thought that was a excellent DOC, and Nirvana an excellent Band. I wish

You lucky….

Well I'm 16 blue. I live in Minneapolis, and never even got a chance to see them! What with work bullshit…and other bullshit. But this will not stand…it cannot stand…someone is going to pay!!!!

I loved Greta Gerwig in it…but the whole young whiny stupid hipster thing is getting old.

I sense dripping sarcasm in that comment….

I would defend Vanessa's cliff to the bitter end…you are right about than and Brona though, that was cold. Brona has been thouroughly exploited by everyone she has met…even while dead.

No problem…from a distance people mistake me for a boy all the time…

But isn't everything that's good crass and exploitative…? Next you will be telling me Showgirls has issues…

Shouldn't you be running your Hotel in Torquey?…does what's her name know you are slacking on the internet?

Ewwww…no need to be icky about it…

Teddy! You surprise me!…what will Helen think??? Wait…actually she will love it…

The Yummy side!!!!

I owe a lot to that man!!!!

That may be a Bush too far…

Who said that?…well it is rather challenging, actually…quite an ab workout.

Isn't beating a dead horse better than beating a living horse though? I mean if you beat a living horse…that's kind of mean…a dead horse…it's just kind of weird. So in a way the "dook really took a brave stand on animal rights…good on ya' mates!!!!