Yes, the ending of the all was such a letdown. Still love Gillian Anderson though!!!
Yes, the ending of the all was such a letdown. Still love Gillian Anderson though!!!
That sounds about right, about Sansa, I wonder if the show will do some kind of comparison with Cerssi, like is she becoming a Cersei? Whereas Arya will want to get her hands dirty.
"Half a HUndred" sounds so much better than fifty; Today I spent half a twenty dollars on lunch…
Hah hah….hahhahahahahahahahahaahahah!!!! (Dammit, i just peed my pants laughing)
Very true and excellently stated Evil Lincoln…but not very Evil at all….
But it is a great excuse for beautiful visuals.
I love the cinematography on Broadchurch too. It's just great too look at in addition to being a pretty good story.
Tom Bombadillo!!!
That sounds plausible. Will we be seeing a dark Sansa at some point?
That's true. On the show she wasn't a victim of the riot right?
It looks like Lollys won't be back? I think that's a shame, I thought the actress did a really good job with her.
I think that's true (Except for Joffrey stripping and whipping her…), and it kind of fits with their characters.
As long as they don't put her in a toga…
Though that psychopath turned into warm cuddly hero by the end of the show. I guess mass murderers can be rehabilitated.
Oh my God…..I don't care!!!!
I liked AI…friend here!!!
I can just see him, tripping as he jaunts over the threshold, Glock in hand, and shoots himself.
I don't know the guy is quite a liar, he could have made up a gas leak story or something. Of course he is also a really inept liar….so it may not have been that easy.
Good point, and that was also incongruant with her approach earlier in the season where she was strictly law and order, and thought he had committed a theft when he took the pictures.
I wondered why he didn't do that as well. Of course this is one of the least logical shows ever, there are literally a world of things to question about the choices in this show.