
Not true…Astronaut Mike Dexter did.

So the Easter bunny is real??? Where's my f'n candy then???

Fonzie not real? What you talkin' about Willis???

Khal Drogo can pour the molten lead on him!! (God I can't believe I said that, how horrible!!)

Histories greatest monster!!!

Hey, more people love Lucy than you will ever meet!!!

I think he was satirizing…


I love that theory!!! Can you have sex with a theory?

She reminds me of Justin Theroux's daughter on "Leftovers"

Cool thanx for the link

All characters in movies and TV's are all caricatures' to one extent or another.

Wow, that is sad, My grandfather was in WWII, that is where he met my Grandmother in fact…in WWII.

The millennial's came along and just ruined everything!!!!!

Oh god….that so took me back to College!!!

Nice nickname!! btw

True…but I don't think this is quite that bad.

You know, now that you mention it, I really don't see Sioux parents giving their daughter that name…

I'm like halfway through. I quit the second time Netflix gave me that little passive-aggressive: "Do you want to keep watching this show" thing…of course they really mean: "Hey loser! You are watching too much TV!"

Ya, but personally, from this show it doesn't really offend me, because they are very much about Meta-type jokes, and some racists are quite funny (hey Don Rickles you wrinkled old A-hole). It's when they are not funny, are patently stupid and delusional, and it is about racial supremacy and advancing a harmful agenda