I think the suppression of the speech is what really creates a toxic environment. If someone is a racist idiot, it is better to know that up front.
I think the suppression of the speech is what really creates a toxic environment. If someone is a racist idiot, it is better to know that up front.
I agree, your comment is absurd, I commend you for your insight.
Yikes!! Where is the Daily-show type wit?
I know right? And like, is Ted Cruz gonna have the guts to take this issue on???
No one wanted the first Cris Tucker…
Whenever I see a prison rape scene all I can think of is: "What in god's name are they using for lube!!"
Ummm…aren't the funniest people around right now women? Tina Fey, AmyP, Amy S, Sarah Silverman…that other girl who is funny, and then what's her name—-the black one? Then there is that woman who had the puppet who looked like her…was it Joan Rivers with "Madam"? She wasn't funny, but she was tragic, which some people…
"…blew his wad…" Ewwwww, please don't talk about his wads.
A lot of European movies are like that "Blue is the warmest color" comes to mind (and pretty much everything by Eric Rohmer. I much prefer that to an implausible fantasy ending. I'm pretty sure the American version of this (if one is made—I see Tom Cruise as the coward husband) will end in a literal cliff-hanger bus…
"Some folk'll never lose a toe…"
It was ambiguous. At first I thought they were doing some kind of role-reversal thing where Ebba would b the coward this time, but it just kind of petered out (peter is such a nasty word!)
I know, that totally wrecked the whole movie for me too….
Did anyone else think that Ebba might have faked her need for a rescue on the ski-slope to boost his confidence? I mean what happened with he, why did she take her skis off?
I thought the way the other couple became infected with the dram was darkly funny.
No way, it's clearly from the book of Job!
Gene Belcher…is that you?
Ya, and next time…run the ball!!!
Hey I like Chloe Seviny! The way she pronounces "Siouxsee" is adorable!
Wow that was one of the things I found plausible about it…my kiddom was virtually without adult supervision.
I thought the scene where Chloe Sevigny Is raped while passed out was gratuitous. But I didn't think anything in Bully was. That was (kinda) my generation, and I did think that both films captured the kind of weird Nihlistic state of Kiddom of that generation, they felt plausible to me—-in an exaggerated form of…