Hah!!! My GF calls my Vagina "pepper"…well actually I only wish she would (some people can't take an F'n hint!!!!
Hah!!! My GF calls my Vagina "pepper"…well actually I only wish she would (some people can't take an F'n hint!!!!
Oh be nice….!
Eugene O'Neil? I think he's dead (God I am so booooored at work, fridays are hellllllll!!!!)
"Hive-whore"…an inquisitionable offense.
"Sniffing out crystal in cute little cars/getting nailed against dumpsters in back of townie bars."
Only a "hipster" could afford to display the attitude you project…(just kidding)
Don't you just hate that when you are flipping through and you catch some crap that you hate (kinda looking in your direction Adam Sandler—-but not to be mean about it) then it's like it leaves a bad aftertaste…
Well he might care if you would just take the time to let him know the REAL you: witty, charming, a bit shy, a bit brash…but Boyeeee! don't us girls just love that!
That is exactly the way real people talk…in real life. It is so heartening to know there are memoirists out there who are honest.
Wasn't there some thing about sodomy, Pretty in Pink and that girl with the red hair and freckles who was in all those John Hughes movies? Or is that a bible story?
Plus it's a total lie…give me a break!!
I think that line actually originated with the Apostle Paul
Another movie where Marisa Tomei is excellent!!
Duckie uber Alles!!!!
Sounds like a golden age!!!
Sheen…Sheen is worse.
Your handle is very cool…love it!!!
Weird huh? 'll always see her as Louise.
That's very true…
There is! Birth of a Nation!