Do you mean worldwide, or in the US? 'Cause worldwide, and in the Western Hemisphere in general that is not true.
Do you mean worldwide, or in the US? 'Cause worldwide, and in the Western Hemisphere in general that is not true.
Louise really saves this show, it would be hard to imagine it without her. Will Forte seemed to be a bit overdone this episode, it was kind of stupid after awhile.
I always thought Joan Rivers was an ugly miserable bitch who had a lot of gall insulting other peoples looks, and maybe, just maybe could have been funny if she pooped on stage. But I am sorry she died, I don't want anyone to die~!!!!.
Each other!
No….it's SerPounce!!! The power behind the throne…
Ahhhh so Moonboy is more significant than he doth appear, 'pon his ovalish face, but is he still F'ing Cersie 'pon the moon? You know i just knew Moonboy was the key to the whole thing!!!!!!
I didn't get through that series, I got kind of tired of the gruesome oblique rape stuff, does it get better?
I loved in the Stand how the Devil just couldn't get the lesbian, that must make us like super-holy or something!!!
God he really wrecked those Iron-islanders!!! Just make them like Vikings…Vikings are cool for god's sake!!! (Also the Vikings are the 2016 Superbowl champs!!! —-or is that chimps? I don't know I'm a girl and football is too complicated for me).
Carrot Top!!! God wasn't he….terrific?
Ewwwww GRRM groupie.just Ewwwwww
I think I remember that. Wasn't there like a big scandal when it was determined that it wasn't YOUR piss in the jars?
Now, are you talkin' about the porn version, or the other one?
I went to a comic-con type thing in Moorhead MN in the 90's and someones little dog did a poo on the floor…..EWWWWWWWW. I also think someone from the original Star Trek was there…but the dog poo pretty much upstaged everything.
So…a male prostitute—-would that make a difference?
It sure did!!!!
I don't know…he's no Evelyn Waugh, that is for sure, but he certainly delivers on what he promises (for the most part) though the last few books have been a bit iffy—-unless one is very interested in what Tyrion Lannister eats.
RRRRwwwwwwwww (that's a growling cat noise BTW)—-just kidding. Though I would say that I like GM more than LKH—but acronyms are my fav!!!! (BAMF!)
One of things that really makes the Wire special for me was it's Pogues references, and "The body of an American" will be played at my funeral. However my Aunties don't need whiskey to get them frisky!
This is the first review that I have really had an issue with. I think it is easy to get lost in the pedantry of process, and forget that entertainment is the bottom line. I found this show quite clever and entertaining. Sniffing about it being "loose" and "aimless" just seems like posturing. Plot? they were searching…