
You know, listening to Gen X now…they actually were a pretty good Band.

"Those who F nuns, will later join the church…"

1923 London, during Easter Break at the old 100's with Sebastian and Charles. Only time worth being alive…

Good (exclamation) points. I do have to say I loved the way music evolved in the 90's. I was so used to anything I liked hardly ever being played on the radio, or MTV or whatever, and then all of a sudden excellent Bands are popular…

Ya, except as a plot catalyst ( a Penny Dreadful emzyme) he is kind of hard to get a handle on. In the scene where he is rejected is there a kind of pain shown in his face. Will rejection harm him via his monsterhood, or will rejection break the spell that keeps him young? Is that what they were foreshadowing? If it

I liked his character too and loved the show, but god it did seem like they put hardly any thought into their monsters, they must have realized how dumb they looked.

It did look better than the Buffy werewolves. I always thought Oz looked like a wet little dog you could just kick out of the way…

I'm bored…

I found the Marshmellowmen priest really boring, I loved the kings moot though (go Asha!!!)

Ya, if those buttheads would have just listened to Gimli a little more we never would have had that creepy Hobbits on a bed penultimate end of story…

Best death pose ever!

I always wndered why the rest of the Dorne delegation didn't insist on seeing the Mountain death a decap firsthand? Did they lose their juice with the Princes death?

Ewwwww Stannis "seed" I just find that disgusting!

True…but for all we know GRRRM just didn't pick up the issue either.

I can't understand why Davo's would not make a baby with her…stupid Onion knight!

Ya…and Arya…why not wish Tywin lannister dead?

Ya, Yara's raid on the Dreadfort…who knew the Iron men were such pussies, one shirtless guy and a few Dreadfort lackeys just fucking slay them (does it seem like armour counts for nothing in many of these fights?). In the book they could like throw axes like Mofo's she could have chopped his stupid hand off before he

Hot Pie would make a great poisoner…

Well Donald Rumsfeld did produce this particular plot line…

Your right about her needing some kind of plot-spark for that role….maybe the Brotherhood? Anyways, I hope they find a way to keep her in the plot.