
Well if he does that will be just….Ok.

They are in the Dead Sea Scrolls…

I thought for sure they would eat turtle at some point.

I, for one, desperately need to know what Tyrion eats at every meal, and I think your comment represents a disturbing anti-foodie trend in this nation.

No….I think it was just standing doggie, but still a very subtle and excellent point you make.

If they do I hope they CGI it, I mean yuck!!!

The "Young Wolf"….I think think you make a really good point. It also prepares him well for martydom

Us girls love that incest!!!

The fact that it's a wonderful movie is al the justification needed. "Movie bloat" is a nonsensical concept. Some people might think an 80 minute movie is 80 minutes too long, some that a 2:59 movie is not long enough.

That was a great scene. It really illustrated the class differences between Adele and Emma, as well as how vacuous Emmas friends are. Something I think Adele realized right from the start at the bar.

I was surprised by their length and variety as well (ya, I know: that's what she said!) The scissors thing really surprised me, I wish someone would ask the actresses about that, because that is a killer!! I mean what an ab workout! But I thought it was cool that they at least showed some variation on the usual

Good points Ismene, I also wish there would have been a bit more development with the parents, there is in the book. The scene with the girls however really resonated, and disturbed me—-so many bad memories. I get what you are saying about it though because I always thought things were so much better now when I was a

Did Emma fool around on her first? That is the vibe I got with the Lise relationship thing….

Good point, the movie is also about class, that comes out more in the graphic novel perhaps. Is that why we don't see Emma at the anti-austerity march (or was it just too early to introduce her?) Maybe it's harder for American audiences to appreciate that because we see "the French" as a class unto themselves.

That doesn't make any sense. The whole point of the movie was the unrequited love of two men…because they were gay. Without the unrequited, you have no story….

I actually got mad at the old lady for calling Carrie a crazy bitch…don't call Carrie a crazy bitch!!!!

That is a great question! 'Cause apparently God really cares about sports…

Not a single mention of the Czech girls mustache? What kind of journalism is that?

Totally agree…and really who doesn't have crap like that in their lives? It isn't exactly unique…