It's spelled without the 'l,' but it certainly is pronounced with it. However, saying, "holmey" will definitely earn you mad street cred!
It's spelled without the 'l,' but it certainly is pronounced with it. However, saying, "holmey" will definitely earn you mad street cred!
That Harry Dean Stanton look-alike up there brought up the point I wanted to make: advertising is legal, but more insidious that almost all street art, excepting hate, gang marking/threats/hit orders, or other illicit or evil-purposed scrawl. Personally I think that 90% of tagging is super ugly, and worse than just…
Personally, I'm waiting for my Mobamahead t-shirt to arrive from the Fairey store.
Might I recommend to y'all wordlovers the new Neal Stephenson book Anathem? It's full of etomologically possible words that the author lovingly made up. My days are fraught with apert, fraas, provenor, and peregrin. I'm only on page 300 too.
It will however dodge them, then throw a firehose at a tree branch which will sweep your leg causing you to fall. In turn, somehow, that fall will make you roll your head around and moan a bit, but never get up. Man, that's no way to go.
I can't even eat cherries at the farmer's market any more without friends references popping into my head.
I always thought ZMF was just representing from accounts payabo.
Thanks "D." I actually love David Caruso from Mad Dog and Glory, but CSI Miami cracks me up. We do impressions throughout the whole thing, and drink twice as rapidly as normal.
As a total hipster hairstylist, I take offence at thinking that you need an expensive haircut. Wierd teens take school scissors to their heads with great aplomb. And those of us who need slightly better results can go to cheap hair and nails places, hungover on sunday morning, and just thoroughly explain some wierd…
(Saying something (Removing Glasses) and saying something else.)
Alton would be great on the office. How can we make this work?
This whole thing makes me Paranoid.
I tried to think up something about Fairy Boots, but I'm just not that witty right now.
Someone threw a bunch of bullets at me once. They didn't really hurt. I'd hate to see someone use a gun though…
Is Dr. Phil hosting? Maybe he's the gaffer.
I've heard that Pacino is going to play the young Laura Ingalls Wilder on the Syfy Channel's remake of Little House on the Prarie. I'm not sure from whom I heard this, however.
Given a choice, I'd rather hang out with you than Asia.
This month's National Geographic has a pretty informative article on Overpopulation vs. Food Production. It is a good primer, although I think they really don't make the point hard enough that exponential growth will outstrip even a doubling in food production. We don't even know if we'll be able to keep our current…
Sonic Youth shall not be known as Sonic Adult. Maybe Sonic Cave-Aged, because that brings to mind a tasty french cheese, just like their music.
Liam Neeson's groundbreaking artificial insemination techniques can birth dozens of babies to women who want to sell their stories to Oprah.