
Halfway through the episode, I started tearing up during an inconsequential scene and it finally hit me that this was it. The show would end soon and I would have to pick myself up and find a new show to latch on to but I don't think I will ever feel what I have with Person of Interest with another show. Other shows

It's weird how in the alternate reality, most of our heros are unhappy or unfulfilled. Harold feels empty inside. John died alone and unhappy. Root and Shaw work for the same team but to them, it's just work. Fusco is disgraced. Carter may have had the best ending of all; she is promoted but it comes at an expense as

Person of Interest is on tonight.

This episode was terrible. It robbed me of things I wanted to see done properly and I place the blame solely on Sabir Pirzada.

This was a fantastic episode. The brilliance of this episode lies in the final minute when it turns out that she was in the 6,741 simulation rather than being held for 6,741 hours.

Excellent premiere. This show never fails to entertain me. The hour flew by so fast.

One of the worst episodes of The Middle ever. Didn't like the storyline at all. This episode was the final straw for me after a mostly lackluster season. After 154 episodes, I have finally bailed on The Middle.

I'm seeing a lot of contrasts between the stereotypical image that each pairs of characters portrays on this show.

This season of Person of Interest should be called Person of Misdirection Interest.

Ah ok. Thanks for the explanation.

This did not feel like a regular episode of PoI. It felt much lighter than normal even when the stakes were very high. So many one-liners tonight that I laughed at. Having watched both Covert Affairs and Human Target, the writer definitely tried to keep things as light as possible with this episode while also

Michael Emerson's acting was the only saving grace in this episode.

As someone who might be the only one who really liked the 3 previous episodes, this episode was about 2 steps backward. The writing was weak; both in the real time and in the flashback scenes.

And 419….Zoe comes back.

This was another fantastic episode. Loved the Bear scene and all the Fusco/John moments. Finch/John snarking was another highlight.

Nice to see Barry be the voice of reason for a change instead of Erica. Loved how Murray reimburses Barry for his portion of the van but not Erica. Eating scraps at lunch every day while drinking 25c chocolate milk is certainly being frugal but didn't Barry go crazy when he ran out of money to play at the arcade? Or

Who said anything about 'needing' a metric of the fanbase?

How about we give every episode of PoI an A and call it a day.

As predictable as this episode was, it was still a great one.

I really enjoyed this episode. The court case and the refresher back to basics was a huge plus for me. What I liked about this episode is that an actual court case was woven into the case of the week on PoI. I watch Suits and The Good Wife all the time and it was nice that PoI jumped into the judicial system for once.