
But I don't like to get into "who is"and "isn't" a real fan. It's a stupid notion to begin with. You could be a real fan of the show, and only had liked the first three season's, then stopped watching it. Doesn't make you any less of a fan. It would be like fans of a music band only liking the first four albums, and

Hah I'm a fool, I just realized his username was "Gouis Is A Moron" - hence his post was towards Gouis, and not me.

Whoa, wait a minute I never said "real fans" don't complain or have criticisms. You could be a fan and hate the ending of the show feverishly. Doesn't make you any less of a fan.

Rich coming from a post that has no substance and adds nothing to the conversation.

One last thing, because the writers did set the end date for the show - we just have to accept that this is the way they wanted to tell the story. If people hated what they ultimately had to offer for a final chapter in their story, then maybe they just weren't as good as writers as people originally thought.


Wouldn't Ben recognize Sayid tho? See there my mind goes again, not able to comprehend time loops. But in my mind, I would assume if Sayid had always shot Ben, he would remember Sayid as an older man.

Interesting. I'm going have to think about what you've written, and analyze it. Never thought about Season Five that way. My take on Season 5 was that Jack was actually wrong, and that by Detonating the Jughead it actually assured the plane to crash. He thought that by detonating the bomb, it would stop them. But he

And actually, you bring up a good point. One of the things that bothered me about Season 6 is how they had the opportunity to bring the group together to fight this opposing force (like Stephen King's "The Stand") - but instead split them all apart all season. Way too much trekking. And really, had they actually done


One final point. I also feel like all of a sudden people forgot what an incredibly well produced show Lost was. It had great acting, writing and directing (and yes, I said writing. Even if on the whole you felt the plot was scatter shot, Lost had a wealth of incredibly well written standalone episodes and arcs). It's

It's okay Scott. Butthurt Lost fan bois are some of the worst on the internet. You guys pretty much summed up my thoughts on the final season, and how to view it. As a standalone season, Season 6 was great television. Stepping back and looking at it on the whole for the show, I agree it had ups and downs. In fact, the

Makes Sense….
The whole "nothing made sense" argument is getting really tired and lame. If you really watched Lost front to back and walked away from the show saying "NOTHING MADE ANY SENSE ugh". "It was all for nothing ugh". You come across as an idiot that doesn't pay attention.

BTW, I agree Duphe's ending would have been better. I personally loved how they ended the show for the characters, but was left feeling unsatisfied with the island portion (ie. Man In Black vs. Jacob).

Yeah, I've seen these. Pretty cool stuff. However, I think an ending where everything is jumbled with space and time (ie. flashbacks in season 1 actually being flashes of the future after the fact) - would have been really confusing.

It actually made a lot of sense. lol In fact, I'm not sure why anyone is really confused about the ending at all. Peoples gripes abotu the show should be the following:

Just my take. Obviously there is no definitive answer to how the Afterlife stuff was supposed to work. Something that bothers a lot of people. I personally had no issue with it, outside of the Sayid and Shannon thing, I thought it was really effective and powerful. I would have cut down some the afterlife sequences

Because Locke wasn't with Helen for more than a year or two, and they split up. Helen moved on, as did Locke. John Locke's true love was the island, and fulfilling some higher calling. Being special. IMO Helen was like Jack's son. They were just re-creations of what their ideal life would have been when wandering

Season five was definitely a misstep for the show. Some of the story was cool, but it didn't amount to much, and was wasted time the writers could have used to focus more on fleshing out the final showdown between Man In Black and Jacob (I always felt that was rushed).

List is pretty bad. But at least LOST finally got a mention. I know not everyone loved the ending, or felt like they were short changed in the long run. But the final season had some phenomenal episodes. And the acting/cinematography was great as usual.