
This is why I come here.

The garbage can scene was quintessential Dexter. We got a nice long establishing shot of Dexter walking up to Budget Gosling's house with an explanatory voice-over, followed by individual closeups on the '1A' on both the door and the garbage can, followed by more explanatory voice-over as Dexter lifted the lid, just

The trick is to abrade the surface so the paint has something to grab onto.

Will somebody just shoot this fucking horse already.

"Did you get a grant to do this?"

Bed goes up, bed goes down

It's not his skin that's thick/protects him from insults it's that bear pelt he's got growing out of his back.

Yeah this was a great line/delivery.

I didn't recognize her voice until her last line, about 15 seconds before her name rolled in the credits, that Jenelle was voiced by Trixie (the whore).

Breaking Bad: continuing to break new ground by legitimizing toilet cams.

Too obvious.

You sir are a gentleman, a scholar, and a hero.

I exist pretty much entirely to set other people up for Simpsons references.

"He's either Super Minister or the bad guy is one hell of a bad shot."

Well he did use a spermicidal condom.

Did anyone else mistake George's cab driver for Sinbad?

Also note every cell phone ever used in the series has the same GIANT EASY TO READ FONT and interface, and almost everything Dexter does on any computer elicits a beep or boop (this lets the audience know he's doing awesome computery stuff), usually with a single keystroke.

The 'Moser boys' are Brian (aka Rudy/Ice Truck Killer) and Dexter. Remember he is a Morgan in name only.

