Lich Barrister

Love it - the perfect image in that comment, except that it doesn't involve the iconic van or an old beater of a car.

Palin Autobiography
I was thinking about this topic today as I noticed a remaindered copy of a book about Dan Quayle as the next great president of the United States in a big box shop here in Canada.

The Graduate
I'm due to try it again, but it just feels like one of those overrated baby boomer things. The pacing is awkward, the characters seemed constrained, and the climax just seemed out of place.

vinraith, you're not me! Unless… you're also married to my wife…!

Ehhh… I dunno. A colleague lent me season one, and I'll concede coherence. (I'd watched about half when it was on originally, so I wasn't a total newcomer.) By the end, though, I only liked Brian and the cutaways became more and more tedious.

Hey, "The Fugitive" was a solid film… though maybe not worthy of that nod, sure. Every few years there's the "excellence in blockbustering" nominee, and that was one of them.

It's the lack of a Best Picture nod to "Wall-E" that really makes you shake your head. There's a lot I could admire in "Dark Knight," but "Wall-E" was a triumph.

Remember Michael's advice to Tobias on "Arrested Development" - get a tape recorder and listen to yourself talk for a day. A touch of polished artificiality isn't such a bad thing in a show, if only to keep the runtime down to a workable level without all the "um"s and "er"s. (Then again, a quarterstaffing of

Concept > Product
It's a shame that "the September Issue" didn't come together to provide the concept that you opened with - but wouldn't that be more effectively, to say nothing of easily, told through fiction? Even moguls of shallow are aware of image enough to ensure that they're not used as thematic symbols, no?

There's no reason to think that Mariah's not involved in the terrible-looking telekinesis flick, too. Maybe more bad films can be explained by some proximity to her…

Maybe it'll become beach reading, then, but I'm not particularly concerned about the "where" - "other side of the galaxy" seems awfully likely. Given the spoilers that have abounded here about the Mule, it's not such a reach to think that the third book may redeem the second, but the second was intensely annoying.

Maybe these get better on a re-read, but the whole enterprise offered diminishing returns with each short story. I wish I'd never heard of the Mule, but I suppose I should keep reading through the third book, if only for completeness's sake.