
Doctor Handsome, think of Riley / Huey / Granddad as the Id / Ego / Superego of one person, Aaron MacGruder.

The "Ali Shaheed Muhammed" reference was a clever one indeed.

Libertarians: Anarchists who've finally cracked open that Trust Fund.

Excellent Episode
Top notch script. Excellent characters. Ruckus soufleeing (sp?) the fat cracker… yeah, I wrote it.

@BIG SEXY, my homeboy says 'it looks like a midget trying to deep throat a cantaloupe' Hahah. How in the world he got that image… I'm not sure, but…

Wow. I never noticed that tuba cue.

Black Women & Jogging
To those of you who profess to have missed this glorious spectacle, I implore you to hasten your un-lived lives to a "Chocolate City" with an upscale population.

Ebony was a metaphor for us, the audience
Ebony was a metaphor for the Boondocks audience - and this was McGruder's goodbye letter to us.

Thanks For Skeeting that Life Into Mom
One of the best lines of the ep. :)

Yeah, I got that. But Riley was the device and it hasn't been revisited.

"Okay, Mango Mint it is… Do you want me to pop these bumps for you?"

Whither the Skorts?
When we left off at the end of S02, we weren't sure if Riley was gay or not. Whatever happened to that story line?

'Certain people' feel that it's an affront to their divine providence to be restricted from certain words.

Cindy & Riley - Match Made In Hell!
This was a Riley tour de force! I love this other the top episodes. Cindy's hammin' up that other girl scout, and Riley's monologue… Classic.