
Hi, I'm Pack and I'm an Essex addict.
I keep thinking I'm done with Hedingham Castle and the Church of St. Peter-on-the-Wall but then I start flipping through some magazine and there's an article on the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club and before you know it, I'm off to the hometown of Helen Mirren, Jane Leeves and Russell

Respect the initials, @avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus : I Fucked Tyrion.

Good call! You should be pretty proud that he's been able to fool so many people but not you!

He could star in "Bigger-Than-a-Mountain Man."

I think he should be allowed to choose his own name for this penis….

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus I motion that your cat stinks and is ugly!

@AngryRaisins:disqus Religions are a belief system. You accept the belief system or you don't.
The most basic belief in Christianity (Putting the Christ in Christianity….) is that Christ died for our sins. This is only necessary if you believe that people are inherently sinful. Christians believe NO ONE could EVER be

I'm an atheist too but the hardcore Christians I know believe that there are basically no such things as "earthly pleasures." If you love things of this world or believe it's beautiful, you have taken your eye off the ball of hating yourself, everyone around you and the world and made yourself a target of the Devil.

That's Catholicism, not Christianity. Being a former altar boy, (who was - sniff, sniff - never pretty enough to catch a priest's eye….) I used to think the two were more or less synonymous but it turns out there's a lot more to Christianity. Most of the Christians I know view Catholics as this weird sect.

Christians unfailingly believe that there is NOT beauty in the world and that people are awful and terrible.
They believe that the only beauty is in Heaven and that NO person could ever be good enough to go into Heaven. No person is perfect, everyone sins in some way or other but God is perfect and can't abide anything

Being 100 years old, I don't understand anything you just said … also, being that age, I feel compelled to complain about it….

Were you blowing him at the time? Because that would make some sense….

Hence the tattoo, "Die Rakes Die"

@avclub-ad834430749e78c48a6092f873a96dca:disqus C'mon! With that star-fish shaped hair and the 24-inch shoes, he's just asking for it.

Yep but the rumor is alive but not coherent.

Invent a time machine.

He already appeared in the union-made, Mexican equivalent, Machete!

Wouldn't it be funny if like five guys came in here and raked Grammer right now?

The Grammer is okay. But I think you should watch your Frasier-ing.

< yawn > Maybe…? I dunno.