
1) we didn't get any kind of closure for a lot of characters and storylines.  Why have all the B-stories with the prison guards and completely forget about them?  What purpose did Lyric and Twitch ever serve?  Is Twitch the only one to have a happy ending?
2) The sudden Linden/Skinner love thing feels hollow and

Some questions:
1) Even if Seward is not guilty didn't he murder a priest in episode 2?  Do we just forget about this? 
2) Why would Seward tell Linden she did everything she could?  He should rightly be pissed.  She helped put him away years again and now, literally in the final hour, has decided to help right her

But what about the biohazard bags?!!?!?

I am still watching this but several things make no sense to me:
1) Why doesn't ANYONE want to work with the police?  The homeless kids, the motel owner lady even after she's caught (can't they just tell the media what she's been doing and destroy her?), the girl with the kid and the french fries story (she relents but

This episode was terrible.  Pretty much nothing happened.

JOE IS NOT DEAD.  Remember that random dude who had no idea why he was at the lighthouse?  The one that was roughly the same size and shape as Joe?  The one who Joe murdered by stabbing him in the side exactly where Joe had been stabbed?