flying things

first thing Kyle thinks of
"Looks like that woman was raped and murdered!"

and in Defendor, Woody Harrelson is a retarded man who puts on a costume and fights crime. look for it on ninja, or maybe it will come to the states

How is this compared to Defendor? I thought that movie was sweet.

did Sayid say, "Whot 'appened?"

the History part is really funny too

I went to http://www.pawneeindiana.com hoping that they would have pictures of the murals up there…. I want to always have them, but they weren't there.

guy who looks kind of like danny glvoer
I'm getting too old for this…. (I heard shit but I think I filled that in on my own)

I have little experience with machine guns, but from my experience in the Coast Guard, I have seen bursts of flame coming from our pistols, when viewing the firing line from a camera. Not every time, but frequently. I haven't bothered to look while I was actually on the range to find out if I can see the fire with my

right there is no continuity of identity, its just some other girl thinking she is you. living twice isn't an incentive for the original, but I am sure once the second identity is created it would rather go on existing as well.

to stop sewing something, and put pins in the cloth to hold it in place in the meantime

Senators and DHS
am I getting something wrong here- a senator is begging his boss, the head of an executive agency, for funding for his project?

I am glad I went and looked up that album, it's great spring/summer music. I'm listening to 'Return to the Fold', and I just want to be driving while I listen.

I think Kate Beckinsale wanted to come back, but they said nope

and the left hand posts it all over again