dwayne the rock lobster

I get it! I pretty much came here just to see if anyone else had got it. Hooray for getting it!

Or The Thin Blue Line. Or Paradise Lost.

Tetsuo and Youth is great and underrated but nah

It means that all his lyrics are interchangeable variations on 'I'm successful and rich' and 'I'm broody because of a girl so I'm going to text this other girl and then have sex'.

It doesn't fit together at all. It's just one bit of music played over another, unrelated, bit of music. It's terrible.

Fair enough, I just looked on urbandictionary and apparently it's Northern slang. Being a London wanker, sometimes we forget there's a whole rest of the country.

'Blimey, I just let loose the most almighty trump!'
'Frank ate three whole tins of beans and he was trumping all night long!'

The A.V. Club

Quick! Make my hair look drunk!

I went to the stock market today! I did a business!

I saw a lot of people refer to it as 'technical difficulties', but to me it looked like he just blanked after 'bitch I'm back out my coma':

It (the petition nonsense) wasn't really about being 'not rock'. They had Dolly Parton last year and everyone loved her. They've had Beyonce and people were happy.

I can't tell if I'm getting old (like that episode they did? Get it?) or if I'm losing my sense of humor or what, but South Park has been very poor for 4-5 years now. There was a 'return to form' last season, but only in the sense of it being less awful than it had been. Yet when I mention this to people in real life,

Pretty sure he's judging the clip off of one short clip.

It's been out of fashion for several years, since people figured out what the word actually was - a way for the middle classes to sneer at the poor.