
Also, to Werdsmiff, DEFAULT TEXT, and anyone else who is interested in Sleeper and is planning on getting this new collection of season one, make sure you check out the also-newly-released collection of Point Blank as well, which is a prequel to the Sleeper series also written by Brubaker. The artwork by Colin Wilson

Anonymoose, if you were truly "in love" with Bendis' Daredevil, then you should probably at least check out the first two collections of Brubaker's run. They're called "The Devil, Inside and Out" volumes one and two, and they very satisfyingly follow through on the interesting "Matt in prison" angle that Bendis set up

Gumbercules, you're welcome. I'm glad to be of help, and if you do decide to check out Final Crisis, I hope you enjoy it.

The collected edition contains all seven (not five) issues of the original Final Crisis series, as well as the two Final Crisis: Superman Beyond issues and the Final Crisis: Submit issue, all written by Morrison. You're right, Inertia, it does read much better and make much more sense as a collection, and plus, the

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