Guinea Pig in a Toy Truck

"I wasn't expecting much, but I'm pretty sure I laughed more at this episode than any other this season."

Wow, Claire, don't hold back.
I wasn't expecting much, but I'm pretty sure I laughed more at this episode than any other this season.

Agreed, I can't remember the last time I laughed so prolongedly as when Frank was sent wandering back down the hall.

Couldn't she at least sleep on a couch?

When I first read the news about Steve's leaving yesterday afternoon, I was really upset, but for a minute I did think that it might not be the worst thing in the world because of the newer songs I tend to like Ed's more anyway. I LOVE "For You" and "Easy," and I haven't really connect with a Steve-sung song since

This would be wittier if it weren't the 123rd comment posted.

My dad took me to see The Air Up There (I think I wanted to go) because I was into basketball. I guess I was ten (and a girl, incidentally). All I can remember about it: Kevin Bacon is some basketball guy doing poorly at his job and he's sent to Africa to recruit this guy, and I think he gets totally schooled on a

I thought the reveal via Nicki on the cell phone was perfectly reasonable and probably the best way (for the characters) for it to happen. Just because she's on the phone doesn't mean that Nicki was flippant about it. I don't see how it would have benefited anyone if Sarah (already in SO much pain; I wanted so badly

Is it a sin for these people to use birth control at all, or just to lie about it?
When Nicki said (lied) in the first season that she was ready to try for another kid, I assumed that meant she was going to stop taking the pill. But this episode implied that she was NEVER supposed to be on it. So what does "trying to

There was a special edition of Millionaire where the prizes included the taxes, so the top prize was actually something like $1.5 million that would leave you with a million.

I love drunk Hank.