This Town is a Pretzel Town

Random Q: anyone know how to add a picture to the profile?


I would argue that Don's refusal to fool around with his twin is less about his aversion to one night stands and more about how completely he compartmentalizes his life at this point. When Joan finds out about Midge, she indicates that Don has never dabbled, sexually, in the office, because he keeps his philandering

The problem I have with Doggett is that they largely try to recreate the same emotional beat of Mulder's backstory - his sister - with Doggett and his son. Lazy.

I just think Eisenberg is an extreme example of Not Superman. When he's standing toe to toe with Superman, I don't think it should look like Superman's going to take lunch money from a smarmy nerd.

He has no screen presence and is not threatening at all. Imagine Superman really showed up. Would the founder of Facebook be his nemesis? Maybe "imagine Superman really showed up" is a terrible argument, actually.

Agreed. First prize!